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ROM or Flash?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:00 pm
by hincty
I've got a E5000 Ultra that came with the Orbit/Phatt ROM installed. I never use these sounds, and removed the ROM thinking I'd sell it. Lo and behold, it appears to actually be Flash memory, not a standard ROM. I called Emu support and was informed that they did sometimes substitute these towards the end...

There's 5 chips on the little beast, 3 on one side, 2 on the other. 4 of these are labeled intel flash. The 5th is a Sharp chip. There's a sticker that reads:


Any of you folks know how to determine for certain what this is, and if it is Flash, can it be "reused" so-to-speak? I may still consider selling it either way.

Thank god for this forum, the Emu corporate memory is fading fast...

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 10:07 pm
by audax salticidae
There is a good discussion going on to try and solve the mystery that you've discovered. Check it out over at: viewtopic.php?t=815

From what we've been able to tell, if your ROM appears in the drives menu as FLASH DRIVE or something with a little picture of a chip then it can in fact be overwritten with your own sounds. No guarantee though that you'll be able to properly restore the original arrangement contained inthe factory setup ROM. There are still a lot of unanswered questions about this matter.