automated sampling of midi instruments?

I was wondering if we could setup some program on the Emu to do automated sampling?
Isn't it so that when you sample, the next sample you record, will be placed on the next available key/keygroup?.
What about this?
Connect your to be sampled instrument to the sampler, pref. via midi and audio.
Create a 80bpm sequence in the internal sequencer which plays, say 4 notes per octave @ vel.100, starting at C1.
Go to the sample option, set the sample options, play the sequence and see what happens.
If this would work, we could all have new instruments in the blink of an eye.
Or am I just dreaming?
I was wondering if we could setup some program on the Emu to do automated sampling?
Isn't it so that when you sample, the next sample you record, will be placed on the next available key/keygroup?.
What about this?
Connect your to be sampled instrument to the sampler, pref. via midi and audio.
Create a 80bpm sequence in the internal sequencer which plays, say 4 notes per octave @ vel.100, starting at C1.
Go to the sample option, set the sample options, play the sequence and see what happens.
If this would work, we could all have new instruments in the blink of an eye.
Or am I just dreaming?