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chicken sys translator any 1 have great succes with it ?

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 1:20 pm
by et
hi guys
for months iv been playing with this program
and had some succes and some disasters
iv not got a scsi cdrom i think i need

but does any 1 know any good settings for converting akai to emu eos

i found akai s6000 disks if u drag the program over to the emu drive
i can get to work perfect

and i can get some older akais like twisted textures to esi np
i draged full volumes to emu when i loaded i get the full volume loaded perfect but dont work with all akais for some strange reason
but if i try to convert to eos it says sampler memory full on the emu
but if i hit disk/browse and go to the bank i put on drive and go 1 folder in
it loads but thats only 1 single preset
i would like to load full volumes for quick browsing

any 1 had great joy with this program
i feel half way there but i must be missing something

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 5:32 pm
by vertigo
I`m not 100% sure about this, but maybe it`s better to let the EMU do the conversion.

I think when you connect the EMU and PC together the EMU should see the AKAI cd as a SCSI cd rom (when it`s recognized by translator). If it does`nt you can try saving the AKAI to your PC hd as image, making sure Translator recognizes it.

Of course, that may do if you have AKAI s1000 cd`s to convert.

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:25 pm
by et
thank u
iv done it sort of
iv formated my scsi disk to akai and put contets in them
seems to be working
i tryed making img and writing it but had no joy
still working on will post results

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 9:43 pm
by et
iv managed to get akai img on to me scsi drive
but the utils/back up is dulled and cant use
do i have to load each bank my self and save ?

scsi cdrom guys when u have a akai cd in your cdrom can u back up ?
with utils/backup