midi problems

right posted on doa and got a few helpful replys but still need a bit of help.
i recently got an emu 0404 soundcard, so been having a play around with it and making sure it is all kool and the gang......
......when i try to send something from recycle to either my akai s20 or emu esi4000 it starts sending it and data starts going to the sampler, but it always manages to die half why through
anyone got any tips apart from using scsi i have scsi but would like to know what is the problem since the s20 ain't got a scsi port.
i recently got an emu 0404 soundcard, so been having a play around with it and making sure it is all kool and the gang......
......when i try to send something from recycle to either my akai s20 or emu esi4000 it starts sending it and data starts going to the sampler, but it always manages to die half why through
anyone got any tips apart from using scsi i have scsi but would like to know what is the problem since the s20 ain't got a scsi port.