Adaptec SCSI card troubles

Something has gone wrong with my Adaptec card SCSI card and I need to install the BIOS for it.
Unfortuantly I brought the card second hand and it is quite old so I can not get technical support from Adaptec.
It would seem that I need an EPROM programmer to program a new BIOS chip. The only way I know of getting the EPROM programmer is through Adaptec does anybody have this software?
Also - if I can not solve my problem by programming the BIOS could I just buy another SCSI card to solve it? ie is the BIOS actually on the card or in the Windows XP operating system?
Something has gone wrong with my Adaptec card SCSI card and I need to install the BIOS for it.
Unfortuantly I brought the card second hand and it is quite old so I can not get technical support from Adaptec.
It would seem that I need an EPROM programmer to program a new BIOS chip. The only way I know of getting the EPROM programmer is through Adaptec does anybody have this software?
Also - if I can not solve my problem by programming the BIOS could I just buy another SCSI card to solve it? ie is the BIOS actually on the card or in the Windows XP operating system?