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Sequencer issue

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:57 am
by sturoc
While tooling around w/ the E6400 4.10v sequencer. Was recrding 1 trk then another. I wanted to loop the 1st trk and then record some melody on trk 2 .
Trk 1 did not loop upon playback while recrding trk 2. Can this be done?
Also how can I truncate a sequence if it is too long?
Unfortunately I have only EOS v3. manual. So I'm kinda stuck here.
I know I need to upgrade os, have 4.6 file on my pc right now.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:38 pm
by e64_eli
Part of a post I made awhile back regarding this topic:

Well heres the deal, you can loop any where in a sequence (you set the position in time) but it wont save with the sequence, so basicly you have to make loops and enable them to be triggered, easy enough because you can just sequence the notes then cut/copy the section and just paste it however many times.

What you would do is either 1. play the notes you want then copy that little piece and paste it however many times you want it to play 2. do the same but sample it and then enable looping via the sample not the sequence and just sequence that one note however many times. And you have 48 tracks which can be muted or solo'ed at will, it will display a M next to the track when u mute it or S when solo'ed.

From manual:

A section of a track (or an entire track) can be cut out, or copied and held
on the digital clipboard, and then Pasted to another section in any track.
There are several types of Cut and Copy functions available.
Cut. Cuts the selected section to the clipboard and moves the following
data backward to fill the space in the cut section.
Copy. Copies the selected section to the clipboard and leaves the original
section unaffected.
Erase All. Erases the selected section and leaves a blank space in the
selected section.
Erase Notes. Erases only the note data in the selected section.
Erase All Controls. Erases only the controller data in the selected section.
Erase One Control. Erases only the controller data on the selected
controller channel in the selected section.
Delete. Erases the selected section and moves the following data backward
to fill the space in the deleted section.
Truncate. Yes - Any Note-Offsoccuring after the selected End Time will be
truncated to the selected End Time. The note length may not be preserved.
No - The Note-Off will occur as it was recorded, even if this time falls
outside the selected End Time. The note length will be preserved.

To Cut/Copy/Erase:
1. From the Sequence Manage screen, press the Edit function key (F3).
2. Press the Utils function key (F1). A second row of function keys
3. Press the Cut/Copy function key (F1). The Cut/Copy menu shown
above appears.
4. Select the Start and End time in bars/beats/ticks using the cursor keys
to select the field and the Data Entry Control or INC/DEC keys to
change the selection.
? Press the All Time function key to select everything in the selected
? Press the function key to select the current location as the Start and
End Times.
5. Select the range of tracks to be cut or copied.
? Press the All Trks function key to select all tracks.
6. Turn Truncate (note-off) On or Off.
7. If you have selected Erase One Control, select the controller number.
8. Press OK to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation.
9. To go directly to the Paste operation, press Paste.

Note Erase
EOS contains a quick and handy way to erase notes from a recorded track.
Only one note can be erased at a time. If more than one note is held, the
last note pressed will be used for the erase.
Conditions: For Note Erase to work?
? You must be in Record-Overdub mode.
? Loop Region must be On.
? The sequence must be on the second or subsequent loop.
The E will appear in the display ONLY if the above conditions are met.
v To Use Note Erase Mode:
1. While playing back the sequence in Record-Overdub and Loop mode,
press and hold the Set/Shift key. An ?E? appears in the Edit screen.
2. Play the note you wish to erase on the keyboard.
3. Release the note to stop erasing.
4. Release the Set key to go out of Erase mode.

Hope it helps!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:04 am
by sturoc
Thanks Will give it a try tonite ,let ya know results.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:56 am
by sturoc
Hey e64 eli,
Did the cut/paste method which for an experimental sequence worked great.
Thanks for the tips.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:40 am
by e64_eli
The sequencer is a great tool, you could do everything in it without a doubt! Closest thing hardware wise is the MMT8 which was pretty popular but the internal EOS sequencer has more memory and features so its even better.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:42 am
by e64_eli
For me to use my E64 without going into the sequencer menu is like not using the cords or filters.