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installing an IDE hard drive in my ULTRA5000?

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:00 am
by Hallifax
I just bought an IDE Hard drive for my E-5000 ... I recently bought a 6400 and the HD it came with was buggy. It has the SCSI mounting kit but since my E-5000 had an IDE drive in it I figured I'd just get an IDE drive, copy all my files to my external move them to the new drive and sell my old E-5000 with my old drive after refromatting it.
To make a long story short, it looks like the IDE cable for the e-5000s has an extra pin slot right in the middle where it would normally not have one on a standard IDE cable. Are the IDE cables for for an internal HD on the E-MU proprietary? Does anyone else manufacture a cable that will work or do I have to dig around and try to find the kit on e-bay somewhere? Any ideas would be appreciated! Is there a snwballs chance in hell that E-MU still has these parts available?


PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:10 am
by Lurkr
I don't know if Emu would have any, but you could try I don't think there's anything special about the IDE cable (there are some that have that pin and some that don't) but I think the power cable is reversed or something like that? I'd check with EPR or even Emu, EPR is pretty cool over the phone and I've heard Emu is too.


PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:04 pm
by evilandy3000
Hi, I'm installing an E5000 hard drive and the moment.

I've got so info on my website about the power cables and installation.

It contains details about installing a SCSI drive in an E6400. I've since bought an E5000 and when i get it working, I'll add more instructions.

The website contains instructions about:

1 X Power Cable
1 X Internal hard drive
4 X Mount Screws
1 X 50 PIN Internal SCSI Cable

I'm also installing an IDE drive.

I've got as far as the E5000 powering on, the IDE drive whirling around but when I go to disk the EMU freezes.

I tried reversing the IDE cable around which probably wasn't a good idea.

Then the E5000 turned only but with only all of the led's lit.

So therefore, I've figured out that the first way round was correct. Maybe it wasn't because it would also make sense that since the item isn't communicating or recognising an ide disk, then maybe this is incorrect.

I read in the E5000 ide kit manual that the IDE pins are keyed. Maybe its my cable but it doesn't seem to be. Fits in nicely each way.

My next step is to buy an USB to IDE connector. I'm then gonna upgrade to 4.7, format my drive as FAT32, check for errors and plug it back in. I'm hoping that I'll do little damage by plugging stuff the wrong way. So far, the E5000 is working well.

p.s. - its worth checking out the E-MU website for an IDE installation kit instructions.

Hope thats a help,



Just to keep everyone updated

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 5:02 pm
by evilandy3000
I've booted up the E5000 and waited for about 2 minutes. The IDE Hard drive appears. Thing is - it takes a good 2 minutes when i want to access the drive.

Does anyone know why its taking so long? Is this normal or is there some miscommunication somewhere?

PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 11:30 am
by evilandy3000
Hi, just to keep you updated. I had a broken disc drive. That has been the cause of my problems. I only bought the item about 3 days from ebay. Maybe something happened in transit.

Anyway, the procedure was really simple.

Remove elctrostatic discharge (I use a wristband).

Open the case,

Plug in the specially adapted power cable (details are on my website above). You may need to file down a tiny little bit of the plastic on the standard floppy cable, towards the front - it will become clear when you look inside.

Attach an IDE cable. I found that the cable i used went in easily both ways so I had to experiment and switch on the E5000 to see which had best effect. If the cable is in the wrong way, the led lights all come on the E5000 but little else activity. I think it would be best to put it on the right way round the first time though since you don't want to risk any damage.

Screw the hard drive into place, I used some rubber washers to make sure nothing would slip. Use standard hard drive mounting screws.

And there you go.

Very easy.

My only word of warning is make sure that you find an hard drive that meets the power criteria as outlined on the E-MU support website.

"The sampler can provide a maximum 1.7 amps / 12 volt for an internal hard drive (IDE or SCSI).

If the drive requires more power you would not be able to install in internally "

Go onto the manufacturers website and check out those specifications.