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click when preset is triggered...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:11 am
by sturoc
Using E6400 w/4.6 EOS I loaded some presets from EMU disc vol 7 Classics. Some of the Mellotron/Chamberlin presets click when triggered. I am using a DX 7 as a controller.
Does not happen across the board but on the same notes. Other presets are fine.
Any ideas???

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:28 pm
by Ole
Hi there! I've got an E-synth classic controlled by a dx-7, and the chamberlin and mellotron banks works great for me. So, not quite sure what is the problem here. Are the samples okay?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:26 pm
by sampleandhold
What do you mean by click? Like you hit one note and just as you hit the note you hear a click... like at the start? or at the end. Since the sounds are probably multi samples perhaps those particular samples where cut "wrong" and adjusting the adsr in the amp section my fix this.

Do you have alot of other stuff going on... is your polyphony close to max? are these samples stereo? If they are and you are close to maxing out your polyphony with stereo samples then the click might be the filter's freaking out. I found that having stereo samples close to max poly can cause the filters to freak out... creating clicking noises or loud pops. Loud enough to make me jump.

Hope this helps...


PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:06 am
by sturoc
Hey Guys,

The preset is loaded directly from the EMU Classics vol 7 disc.
The click occurs only on the "TRON "presets such as TRON boys or Tron Boys/Girls choir. It happens when the key is first pressed. Around certain notes like G2-F#2 and higher up say F3-G#3
These presets in addition to the choir voices also have, strange to me, a synth type sound along with the samples making them sound not quite authentic.
There are no other presets stacked on this one . I have loaded them one at a time by themselves with nothing else in the preset ram.
One thing is that these samples are looped as noted on the back of cd case.
Let's see... any other info I can give up ..MIDI & SCSI conns are all solid
DX 7 is flawless in midi transmission as evidenced on other EMU and 3rd party presets I have loaded.
One other note: a couple of the presets when loaded off this disc show V at 9 instead of max 127 in multimode screen
Have played around w/ ADSR but not found solution yet.
Would be a great set of presets were it not for this issue. My brain is racked !

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:09 pm
by sampleandhold
Try converting the samples... all the samples to mono and see what happens...

Does the clicking repeat? If so, you may have to redo the looping points... perhaps do a cross fade.

Maybe you can post a small mp3 or something showing where the clicking has occured... Ezman has a new dl section now and being able to hear the sound might make it easier to diagnosis the problem.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:03 pm
by sturoc
Will try your 1st sugg. then if nothing improves, MP3 is on the site now.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:49 pm
by ezman

here's the mp3....i reckon it might be an attack set at 0, sometime did it to me, probably shouldn't - but maybe worth a go

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:33 pm
by sampleandhold
Set the attack at atleast 3 and no more then 5 on all the voices. That should get rid of the problem and it shouldn't make it sound like it's delaying too much.

The clicks aren't loud enough to be the filter tweaking out. So that is a good thing. There really isn't much you can do about that other then convert to mono and reduce your polyphony.

You may also want to check and make sure that the first stage release is at at least 20. If it's not, the clicking might actually be at the end of the sound, not at the start, but it's hard for people to know the difference.

Final suggestion. Cut each sample again. First, make sure that the loop wont be effected. Don't cut into the loop section. You will want to cut only 15 or so samples.. maybe 30. Go into the sample edit screen, transpose the keyboard as low as possible, play at least 2 or 3 octaves below origin. Adjust the start point in the cut tool window. Once you do not hear any missed zero crossings at 3 octaves below origin (you sure wont hear it at origin... heck, you could probably get away with a small click at -3 since the click will transpose so high, you wont hear it anymore... but I am a perfectionist), write the number down or put it into your memory. Put the start point in the cut tool screen to 0 again and move the end point to that point. It's faster to type it out on the number pad instead of moving the point with the jog dial, you may also need to zoom in quite a bit. When you do type in the number, you want to add one to the value, if you don't, the sample end point will actually be a sample a head... not good. So.. just double check your end point. Cut the sample and every thing should be fine... of course save the bank blah blah blah.


PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:48 am
by sturoc
In Mellotron heaven again!
Your 1st sugg. adjusting the Attack worked excellent.
Did you guys happen to hear that other note over the voices, sounds like a synth note? Could this be EMU being creative w/ the preset?
Otherwise, I am indebted to you guys. I wish someday I could return the knowledge back. Although with the immensity of these units it may be awhile!!!
Many thanks,