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Switching between several banks on the fly??

Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:18 am
by poeticproductions
Hey All...
For the past few months, two friends and myself have been working towards a live electronic show... Picture this:
Me, with a guitar strapped to me, a mic in front of me, my MPC in front of me, to my left, my MIDI controller and rack - with E6400 Ultra, Emu Xtreme Lead-1, tc electronic M300 x 2.
Another mate, with my mackie sr24-4 mixer, and his own mic.
Another mate, with an original Fender Rhodes Stage model, and his Roland Rd-700 above that, and a sax, and melodica (and obviously a mic for the latter 2).
So, what I need to do, is switch between an entire bank on my emu quickly... I have all the channel volumes, pans, outputs all set for each song... at the moment, i'm loading up each song from my ext. zip 250 drive, which takes about 30-40 seconds for each load... each song is taking up about 25-30mb of my sample memory...
is there anyway, i can load up say, 4 songs in my emu, and switch between an entire bank on the fly?
thanks yo.

Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:01 am
by Lurkr
I'm don't think what you're talking about it possible, but have you explored merging all the data together into one bank?
25-30MB of sample data sounds rather large, for live work I don't think you need the highest quality... you're probably getting mixed down to mono with all sorts of compression and eq'ing anyway, I bet you can get your sizes down, make a separate bank just for your live sessions. You can even put all your volumes and panning in the presets.

Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:05 pm
by illinformed
Is Multisetup an 'RFX only' feature? If not then check that out. Also one of the midi modes has a nifty feature that can turn your emu into a pretty comprehensive midi controller which can change the patches on your other modules - the downside of that is you lose Multi midi mode however with strict/economic Preset programming you can get around the Multi problem. Anyhoot all the above is in the manual so hoepfully something will be useful.

Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:48 pm
by poeticproductions
hey thanks for your replies fellas... perhaps i should explain myself a little more...
i have say 10 presets loaded in a bank (in multimode), all going to different outputs - hard panned to come out mono only, and all have their own different volume setting...
at the moment, at the end of a song, i need to load a new entire bank - of about 10 different presets on different channels and outputs, each with their own volume and pan settings, which takes about 30-40 seconds...
i need to be able to switch from the first bank, to the second bank, as quickly as possible... is there a way i can load up 1 whole bank (about 30mb, 10 presets, different outputs, different pan and level settings), and also load a second, or more, into the sample memory then at any time change from the first bank of presets, to the second bank, or third etc... ????????????????????????

Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:53 am
by sampleandhold
Get your laptop with a sequencer loaded on it and a midi output to the emu. You take that sequencer and load up the ten or so track that all need the information you need for each bank seperate out by say two measures. At the start of each measure you have all the preset information, the hard panning and the volume all set at the start of that preset. You load all your banks together and then when you are done with song 1 you press the space bar and it plays through the first measure and thus does all the program changing, volume setting, and panning for your emu. You could even place markers about a beat a head of each "bank change" and skip a head when you need to so you only have a second or so, or even less to apply the change.
It would take some time to do this, but once you had it sorted you could switch between every song's bank rapidly. If I am not clear... send me a message hear on IM and I will explain my dream to you....
Hope this helps.

Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:07 am
by poeticproductions
yo thanks snh! i do know exactly what you're saying, and yes it would definitely work...
BUT!! i don't have a laptop on stage - the sequencer is my MPC... i think i may be trying to achieve an impossible task here.. i think the best i'm gonna get is probably getting a few musical samples (as opposed to drums only) into my MPC, and writing an intro only on the MPC which can play while the emu loads it's new bank...
but thanks to all that helped...

Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:13 am
by sampleandhold
I would like to imagine that you could do the same thing with the MPC, or you could get an actual hardware sequencer... just make sure it has those midi cc's that set the program, volume, and panning. You could probably get something pretty cheap too.

Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:22 pm
by illinformed
I can vouch for the hardware sequencer route - I used an Rm1x to set my live presets for about 2 years. That was before I got my Ultra with Multisetups, now it's snapshot heaven