[E6400] Two hard disks ? external + internal ?

I have an E6400 classic upgraded in 4.62 with an internal 18gb H.D.
As i'm afraid of drive failure i really like to have a second hard disks to keep my datas. like those external you can find on http://www.scsiforsamplers.com
Can it manage two HD ? If yes how can i copy folders from a disk to another ?
If no which solution i have, can you advice me on your methods please ?
I will buy an adaptec 1480 scsi pcmcia card in some weeks to transfer samples with my laptop , may be a solution to copy folders in that way ?
many thanks
I have an E6400 classic upgraded in 4.62 with an internal 18gb H.D.
As i'm afraid of drive failure i really like to have a second hard disks to keep my datas. like those external you can find on http://www.scsiforsamplers.com
Can it manage two HD ? If yes how can i copy folders from a disk to another ?
If no which solution i have, can you advice me on your methods please ?
I will buy an adaptec 1480 scsi pcmcia card in some weeks to transfer samples with my laptop , may be a solution to copy folders in that way ?
many thanks