More Beginners Questions...

and here they are
1.)There are several expansion slots on my Esynth Rack, i wonder
if it is possible to boost the number of outputs or
add an Adat port (i know that Ultras can do this, but the normal ones ?)
2.) I thought that it is possible to use a subout as an Effect insert;
however my EOS manual has not much to say about this.
Anyone knows something and cares to comment ?
(Ah, and for something different: My 380 ? Ebay -Esynth was one of my
best music purchases ever made; easy to use, i wonder what it CAN?T do, sounds great, and no buggy shitty pc windooze trouble with it -
people, don?t sell yours

1.)There are several expansion slots on my Esynth Rack, i wonder
if it is possible to boost the number of outputs or
add an Adat port (i know that Ultras can do this, but the normal ones ?)
2.) I thought that it is possible to use a subout as an Effect insert;
however my EOS manual has not much to say about this.
Anyone knows something and cares to comment ?
(Ah, and for something different: My 380 ? Ebay -Esynth was one of my
best music purchases ever made; easy to use, i wonder what it CAN?T do, sounds great, and no buggy shitty pc windooze trouble with it -
people, don?t sell yours