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Any tips on Housekeeping in the emu?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:10 am
by crytek
Well in an effort to learn my bird inside and out, i've uninstalled all my software samplers that I owned. It's just logic express reaktor and my emu.

Anyhoo, I've read the manual (first manual I've read regarding the software/hardware I own. pat on the back for me). And I have a few questions.

1: Is it possible to just save presets without having to save a bank? I have created folders (breaks, bass, fx's, leads, etc..) and wanted to save presets I'm making into their respective folders, but they save as banks instead. Is the the normal way to save? As a bank in the folders instead of presets, or am I missing something?

2: Regarding Presets. when you save them, are you saving the samples along with them, or do you have to save the samples first, then save the presets again?

3: Anyone can help me out with general houskeeping presets/samples/banks/etc.. with the emu. Finding that pretty difficult.

Although I've read the manual, I'm still having a bit of trouble grasping the concept of the way the EOS is laid out. Sticking with it though. Coolest thing I've found out is that I can sync logic to the Emu using MMC control. That's fookin' awesome :slayer:

Thanks :pimp:

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:28 pm
by vermis_rex
Presets are only saved as part of a bank. The bank contains both the presets and the associated samples. Even for just a single preset, it has to be wrapped in a bank with the samples.

This can actually be pretty useful when combined with the bank merge function. If you had all of your presets you create saved as single-preset banks, then when you want to create a custom bank for a project, you just have to go to your store of single-preset banks and merge the ones you want together into a single bank of all the presets you want (associated samples will be saved automatically with them in the custom bank) and then save the resulting bank (perhaps with a project name... or in a project folder, separate from your breaks/bass/fx/leads folders).

Or, you could group your breaks/bass/fx into separate banks instead of separate folders. Each time you add a new preset to the bank, you merge the new preset into the old bank and re-save it. Then, when you want to create a custom bank for a project, you can pluck the individual presets you want out of the "breaks" bank (for example) and merge it into the in memory bank (the custom bank), and then save that as a project bank (or in a project folder to further separate your library from your projects).

TO review... in the E-mu, a bank contains presets and the associated samples; presets on their own can be saved into an existing bank or saved into a bank of just that one preset and it's samples; you could use banks to group presets, then folders to group the banks... the samples should take care of themselves and follow the presets around inside banks.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:43 pm
by crytek
Thanks for clearing some of this up.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:56 am
by Randomguy
excellent explanation :thumbs: