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What about Mackie C4 midi controller and its E6400 preset?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:47 pm
by nuts
Hi, seen on mackie website that it had a preset for e-mu.

Sound nice but what can you really control ? is it only the real time controllers that you can control with whatever midi equipment or you can access to enveloppes, "preset building shortcuts" and things i'm pleased to imagine?

Hope someone tried it , thanks !

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:46 pm
by vermis_rex
Haven't actually tried it, but I would suspect (having just browsed through the manual and programming guide for the command software) that it can control more than just the usual MIDI CC A-L. If it was only real-time controller numbers, it wouldn't need the insanely complex programming language (ok, maybe not so insanely complex if you already have some familiarity with programming... but for the average schmoe, insanely complex). The C4 seems designed to send sysex strings, rather than just being a dumb knob interface.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:43 am
by nuts
Yes i looked at the documentation also and understand it understand sysex but i'm really curious about what they did with its midi implementation.

My e6400 + a C4 will definitely be a weapon of choice, i love so much working with this sampler.

I tried to mail them.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:01 pm
by nuts
I just download C4 commander, i can control all parameters i need, ONLY with the software :loveit:

you drag and drop parameters and voila

For people looking for sysex implementation they are all listed when you edit your C4 preset :loveit:

It seems that i find my controller :thumbs:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:35 am
by nuts
Actually it does'nt edit correctly all parameters because the action of some Vpots is fixed from 128 to 131 (e.g filter cutoff) but it must run from 0 to 127 i think.
And i don't see any possibility to edit in commander...even a bcr2000 can do that so easy.

Aux and amp enveloppes parameters are shared, don't understant how to edit separatly one or the other. Asked on Mackie forum.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:03 pm
by illinformed
I've always used a Kenton Control Freak Studio Edition. It's got a few presets and I'm sure you can pick them up dirt cheap 2nd hand now.

Sysex everthing, I've got some sweet patches that change Presets realtime which seems to be a better result than realtime crossfading. No automation but perfect for gigging as replacement sliders can be bought very cheaply. Sysex is hard work to program on it but there is an editor that you can cut and paste on.

I think I posted a few times on this so you may find other bits and bobs on the search.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:59 pm
by nuts
Thanks illinformed but i think 16 controllers are not enough for me, it is not for gigging, more for studio use.
I used to program a bcr2000 for other gear but in fact it was a pain to use without a screen and i finally sold it.

I'm also looking at remote SL s?ries, my emu Xboard49 is dying and they can program sysex very easily as i try the editor, and they seem more open than C4 for preset editing.

i think picking sysex number in c4 editor and use them in novation SL could be a good idea, easy.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:37 pm
by nuts
If someone is interested in C4 and emu 6400 you can also have a look at this thread, i just see i have an answer for the troubles i have, will try soon if its better: ... 3;t=001112

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:16 pm
by nuts
I succed in correcting values, i can control close to all the parameters i need...and i go further in editing the mackie preset which was crap.
I massively (never did that before so for me, it is) edit the E6400 instrument file with the help of SYSEX implementation of E.O.S found here:

Now i can control close to 170 parameters instead of the 50th (bad) made by Mackie :p

Here is the instrument: E-MU E6400
Here is the layout preset: E-6400.C4L

Enjoy! :) ...i expect i could buy a C4 now.

But there are still some problems sadly...

-chorus width (go to 100% and can't move anymore)
-chorus ITD (only in a positive way so right only)
-cords source (can't access all source)
-cords destination (can't acces all destination)
-cords amount (only positive)
-voice coarse (only in a positive way)
-voice fine tune (only positive)
-voice transpose (only positive)

They refused to turn correctly even with + - different values.

The layout is in french but still understandable i think, a bit different than the photos, i remove chorus parameters and implement glide control instead.


Re: What about Mackie C4 midi controller and its E6400 preset?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:13 am
by nuts
No more dead links! didn't come here for a long time. I copy the stuff again:

De base le preset pour l'E-6400 du constructeur est assez pauvre: une cinquantaine de paramètres et de plus il est bien buggé.
J'ai optimisé le preset et dorénavant on peux piloter directement 168 paramètres.
Il réside encore des bugs bien que j'ai suivi à la lettre l'implémentation SYSEX d'E.O.S disponible ici
J'ai tout de même essayé différentes valeurs pour l'action des potards mais dans certains cas listés plus bas cela n'a malheureusement rien changé.
Si vous y arrivez merci de faire signe!

Voilà le preset!

Celui ci est l'instrument édité à mettre dans le dossier instrument pour remplacer celui d'usine:E6400
Ici le preset à charger sur le C4:E6400.C4L

J'ai implémenté en +:

- Un bouton panik en cas de note qui bloque.
- Les paramètres manquant de l'envellope d'ampli et le routing de l'ampli (ou voies c pareil).
- L'edition des voies: glide, chorus, mode de jeu, latch on/off...etc
- L'assignation de la polyphonie ou non aux voies, avec 1 touche on/off par mode, c'est plus pratique.
- Le pilotage des cords 1à 17: source,destination, amount.
- Le pilotage de certains paramètres de la section master, ceux qui me servent le plus souvent, j'aurais pu tout implémenter mais je préfère pas j'estime que certains paramètres sont mieux planqués, accessibles par menu comme les ID scsi, la terminaison etc..
- Corrigé les valeurs pour pouvoir piloter correctement tous les paramètres des filtres.

Visiblement l'implementation SYSEX d 'EOS n'a pas été mise à jour au fil des updates si bien que certains paramètres ne sont pas sélectionnables si votre sampler est upgradé comme le mien:
-LFO 1 & 2 shape (le potard ne va couvre pas toute l'étendue des ondes disponibles).

Je n'ai pas pu corriger ou implémenter pafaitement l'action des potards suivant:

- Chorus ITD (ne fonctionne qu'en positif c'est à dire delay à droite)
- Chorus width (qu'en positif et bloque sur 100%)
- Voice tuning :coarse, fine, transpose (ne fonctionnent qu'en positif)
- Cords source (s'arrête à clockDwhl), Cords destination (s'arrête à SUM), Cords amount (fonctionne qu'en positif).

J'ai viré:
Un paramètre que j'ai ajouté: >ear< qu'on voit en haut à droite sur chaque page, c'était l'équivalent du bouton Audition de la façade mais ça freezait mon sampleur, dommage.
Les paramètres du chorus fonctionnant mal.
:idea: J'y pense en écrivant, je vais tenter de le remplacer par un note/on sur la touche C4:idea:

C'est pas encore parfait mais y'a l'essentiel, j'ai pas implémenté le contrôle des FX n'ayant pas la carte installée.

Voilà le résultat en image, il ya 9 pages de réglages et maintenant 168 paramètres directement accessibles :)
