Would this work???

i have 2 emu ultras (6400 and e synth),
i want to be able to transfer samples to the sampler from the PC.
(easy enough with wavelab)
i also want to be able to back up banks on pc for archiving (burn images as well)
i also cant stand hard drive noise.
I was thinking:
what if i put a quiet ide drive in each of the samplers, then connect the two samplers in a scsi chain : E-Synth > 6400 > Scsi Ext CD Rom Drive > Scsi Zip 250 > Scsi Card In Computer >
SO while im working with the samplers its relatively quiet,
then when i need to back up a bank i save the bank to the zip (computer off) then computer on (sampler off) copy files to folder on PC and perhaps make an image burn when i feel like it.
I have got SCSI hard drives (like 4 of them) but they are just so noisy!!!
is this the best way or is there an easier way to do this??
i want to be able to transfer samples to the sampler from the PC.
(easy enough with wavelab)
i also want to be able to back up banks on pc for archiving (burn images as well)
i also cant stand hard drive noise.
I was thinking:
what if i put a quiet ide drive in each of the samplers, then connect the two samplers in a scsi chain : E-Synth > 6400 > Scsi Ext CD Rom Drive > Scsi Zip 250 > Scsi Card In Computer >
SO while im working with the samplers its relatively quiet,
then when i need to back up a bank i save the bank to the zip (computer off) then computer on (sampler off) copy files to folder on PC and perhaps make an image burn when i feel like it.
I have got SCSI hard drives (like 4 of them) but they are just so noisy!!!
is this the best way or is there an easier way to do this??