digital feedback

Hello, new member here.
Currently, I have my PC's S/PDIF output routed through the digital input on my RFX-equipped e6400, and it is assigned to the Main output in the Ext In page. What I would like to do is effectively "bounce" tracks from the Emu to the PC via the Emu's digital output, and then play them back through the Emu's digital input so that I can both free up voices and also treat the audio tracks on the PC.
However, if I "bounce" via the Emu's digital output, with the PC's output routed to the Main bus, I am guessing I will need to do one of two things to safeguard against creating a feedback loop: 1) Disconnect the PC in the Ext In page every time I want to record from the Emu to the PC. 2) Mute the PC's output in Windows.
I imagine if I assign the Ext In page as an Assignable Button, this will be easy enough to do quickly, but I am concerned that I might forget. I have no idea what happens when you create a digital feedback loop: Am I likely to destroy my speakers (& ears)?
Also, is there a more elegant/safer way of connecting things (within the digital domain) than the one I have described? Many thanks.

Currently, I have my PC's S/PDIF output routed through the digital input on my RFX-equipped e6400, and it is assigned to the Main output in the Ext In page. What I would like to do is effectively "bounce" tracks from the Emu to the PC via the Emu's digital output, and then play them back through the Emu's digital input so that I can both free up voices and also treat the audio tracks on the PC.
However, if I "bounce" via the Emu's digital output, with the PC's output routed to the Main bus, I am guessing I will need to do one of two things to safeguard against creating a feedback loop: 1) Disconnect the PC in the Ext In page every time I want to record from the Emu to the PC. 2) Mute the PC's output in Windows.
I imagine if I assign the Ext In page as an Assignable Button, this will be easy enough to do quickly, but I am concerned that I might forget. I have no idea what happens when you create a digital feedback loop: Am I likely to destroy my speakers (& ears)?
Also, is there a more elegant/safer way of connecting things (within the digital domain) than the one I have described? Many thanks.