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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:25 am
by pfaffian
I can confirm that the Kingwin ADP06 SATA to IDE bridge works for getting a 120gb 2.5 WD drive to work inside the emu. ... adp_06.asp

I've ordered a Vantec EZ-swap and will be replacing the fdd with it next week. Will report back on that.

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:03 pm
by E5kUltra
pfaffian wrote:I can confirm that the Kingwin ADP06 SATA to IDE bridge works for getting a 120gb 2.5 WD drive to work inside the emu. ... adp_06.asp

I've ordered a Vantec EZ-swap and will be replacing the fdd with it next week. Will report back on that.

That is awesome news! Much easier to get SATA drives into the future.
I will, of course, have to try an SSD SATA drive at some point!

Thanks for figuring this out. :grin:

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:12 am
by dirge99
hey all-

read through all ten pages of posts for this mod. recently bought a 20gb 3.5ata and am wanting to install it. wondering about the icy dock and if anyone suggests it? i'll go and get a 2.5 laptop drive if the mod works. i just want my e4xt ultra to run smooth and easy with sample xfers to my macbook pro. anyone got an answer(s)? thanks in advance!

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:19 am
by Caveman672
Did it work out well with the Vantec?

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:10 am
by pfaffian
Confirming that the Vantec mod works. I've modded an E5000U and an E6400U using the same technique, and even using different IDE/SATA converters. The Vantec external drive enclosure doesn't need two USB connections to run. You can just plug the regular mini usb cable into your computer and everything works fine. My suspicion as that the USB power-only adapter is for use when plugging the enclosure in via an external SATA port. Also, the Vantec hardware is just a branding of some generic product also available via Startech, model SAT2510U2REM. Happy hacking!

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:08 pm
by HSL
This thread is very long and confusing :???:

Here is my situation: I have an E4XT Ultra with the 4.7 operating system. The hard drive in it is the regular stock hard drive, it has never been switched out. I want to use a hard drive that is around 160gb so it'll downsize to the max that the XT Ultra will let me (137gb or so).

1) Do I need a 2.5 drive so the power supply won't die, and stay away from a 3.5?

2) I want to get the tray/bay kit so I can pop the drive into the front of the XT Ultra, then pop it out and connect it via USB on my PC. Can someone link me to the exact thing I need to buy?

3) Do I have to have some sort of adapter if I get a 2.5 drive (3.5 to 2.5 converter)? I'm not sure what's on the inside of the Emu. Can someone link me?

4) Will I have to make a custom power cord and and switch the little pins? If so, how do I do that?

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:09 am
by HSL
Someone posted pics of what I need (scroll down a bit almost near the bottom): viewtopic-f=1&t=3733.php.html

Can anyone identify the brand/model?

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:33 am
by HSL
By the way in the pic below:


It's a female molex. But all I'm finding on ebay are male molex:


Which one do I need?

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:56 pm
by HSL
I think I'm going to buy one of those female floppy to male molex, then buy a female to female molex separately. That may work.

I'm having a brain fart at the moment... and it's about whether when I cross those cables and reverse the polarity, if I should cross them on both the floppy-molex adapter and the female-female molex, or if it only needs to be crossed on one.

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:13 pm
by HSL
Tons of questions and confusion but here's another one:

My sampler will arrive soon and I believe it already has the female floppy to male molex which is being used on the SCSI internal hard drive. Is that cable already switched for polarity, so it's used that way for both SCSI and IDE, or will I have to switch it since I'm putting an IDE drive in there now?

To further add to confusion, I want to use a female-female extender since I'm leaving my drive outside the sampler, so will I have to also switch the polarity on the extension cable on top of the floppy-molex cable? Both of them?

I wanted to take care of this ASAP so any replies are appreciated.

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:45 pm
You will probably find that the internal drive is the same as mine was, that was a 20gb fireball IDE that was used when emu produced the later high spec ultras.
This means that you will have the required cable, reverse wired and already connected to the ide bridge, if so you could just get a molex male to female at a suitable length to extend from the one already fitted.
As it has been reverse wired do not reverse it again, as this will turn the polarity back into the standard format (wrong way around for the emu)

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:29 am
by HSL
AFAIK there's the stock 3.2gb drive in it. If it happens to have that, will I need to reverse it? Not sure if it's different for SCSI and IDE.

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:54 pm
by ja-ki
sorry guys, I had to bring this up again.

I'm going to get an emu ultra sampler (most preferably an e4xt ultra) and sample transfer is very important to me, as midi is too slow and scsi is most likely not to work with my macbook.after reading for the past few days I am VERY confused :grin:
So, let's get things clear:

It seems possible to install a sata drive via adapter, is this correct?
As I live in Germany, I can't get that kingwin adp 06 sata-ide adapter. Are there others that will work?
Which mobile rack for the 3,5 floppy slot should I get?

Sorry for just asking questions, I hope I'll be able to contribute something useful as I got used to the emu, but first I have to set everything up and get things clear!
cheers and thank you in advance :)

Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:27 am
by hostis
Been lurking this forum since getting an e6400 ultra.

I tried a bunch of SATA/IDE bridges with an SSD but found I could only ever get the drive in sleep mode. I will try without a solid state drive sometime with all of the bridges I've amassed (if I can get it out of the icydock caddy :grin: ).

In the meantime, I phoned about a bit to look at all the suppliers of the existing IDE caddys and it looks like the addonics one is the only one that is still manufactured/supported/sold. So I picked that one up and modded it in. I wanted to keep the floppy in as it takes ages to boot without it, so it took a bit of cable gymnastics to fit it in and keep the floppy in a reasonable spot. Keep in mind I had an existing 80GB IDE drive (over the stock 3.9GB drive) and EOS 4.61 so I didn't need to do the polarity mod on the HDD power, also I didn't need to flashprep a disk. I'm on windows 7, so I had to use a windows XP virtual machine to format the floppy disk with the EOS 4.7 firmware only. You should see the number of people who get confused when you ask for a floppy disk drive these days.

Anyway; here is a step by step mod picture thingo using the Addonics Jupiter tray (sourced from Addonics online) and an IDE 2.5" HDD (sourced from ebay, there are still heaps of these around). Note: if you disconnect the IDE and floppy cable from the mainboard, remember the polarity for the header is the polarized nub facing away from the middle of the board (Take a photo before you start, otherwise it won't boot or other things and you'll get confused).

Edit: forgot to note; the E-MU didn't see the full 120GB initially. It could see the drive, but I had to format it with the E-MU after which it could see 114GB ... so there you go!

Edit2: Updated the picture with installing a jumper across pins 33 and 34 (thanks master builder for the tip) so you don't need the floppy drive at all for a quick boot.


Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:27 pm
by master builder
Thanks Hostis, Im going to attempt the same modification to my sampler, very useful info.

One question and one bit of advice.

To get the sampler to boot normally without the floppy drive Installed a jumper between the two pins (33 and 34) on the "Data" conncetor (CN28 on a E4XT Ultra motherboard) that are futhest from the front panel. Like explained here:

My question is what is the exact part number of the addonics jupiter caddy, there are lots of different versions at these links: ... =0&Tp=&Bc=