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Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:55 am
by kalide
Did you format it as a FAT32 drive on the Emu ?
[you are aware that doing so wipes it]
If you have access to a PC, I would try it on that - i.e. create a FAT32 drive on the PC ,see if the Mac can see it. You need to rule out any incompatibilities.
Also - did the drive formerly work in the Emu directly as FAT32 ? What brand etc ?

Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:55 pm
by Navjot Singh
Btw thanks kalide your ace
yeah i put it as fat 32 (done in osx's terminal)
Came up on mac n pc as fat 32 drive.
I had an ultra (quantum) drive in the emu, taken it out now.
As the adddonic drive takes a standard molex power cable, i flipped the positive n negative.
The addonic drive powers up but is not seen by the sampler.
After trying every single jumper combination (it was already factory set as a master via the jumpers),
i got annoyed and flipped the molex cable around. To my surprise, the LED on the hard drive still lit up. I was silly to do so but in the heat of the moment i was very annoyed.
heres an image of the probelms i have
problem one is that it says 5v on the drive but the sampler is pulling out 6. something
problem two is what i was trying to say before, and i think its a problem causing the machine not to read my drive
it goes from ide large top of the enclosure to usib
which is the connection shown in problem two
to ide small on the left picture down the bottom
what to do my friend :-S

Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:36 pm
by kalide
If you already had a working drive in there, I dont think you need to flip the power around.
You only need to do that if you are making a power connector from scratch.
If you think about it, your quantum drive is a standard drive. If that was powered ok then there is no need to muck around with the power cable as you *already have a correct one*

Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:40 pm
by kalide
Get the 2.5" drive working without the Emu first
From the power connector you should be getting from 11.8 to 12.1 or so volts to **ground** and 4.9 to 5.1V to **ground**.
It looks like you are measuring the voltage between 5V and 12V = 7V (6.8 to 7.2)
I would very careful at this point since it looks like you may be on the verge of either blowing up your hard drive or your samplers power supply.

Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:49 am
by Navjot Singh
hey kalide
I may be wrong but i was under the impression that the old emu 3.5 quantum harddrives were the ones that needed the power cable inverted,
i thought it was a scheme to stop non emu service ppl from installing standard HD's.
on your second post
the 2.5" drive working without the emu, do you meen with a computer, it did work before, i think the powersupply shananigan that i done messed it up
i got another harddrive today (as i cant let this thing defeat me!) it will work if i install it to a pc/mac.
or did you meen try and get the power supply from the emu to work with the 2.5 drive?
i can try and mesure the voltage from the ground and the other wire, but wont that short the board?

Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:20 pm
by kalide
You are wrong. I once again state that you are very likely to have damanged your hard drive and possibly the addonics caddy since it has LED's etc with your "tinkering".
Supply voltages are always measured with respect to ground.
Voltmeters when in line to the circuit to measure volts present a very high impedence to the circuit (10 TO 100'S Of Megaohms) so it won't short.
If you measured amps in line, it presents a very low impedence (1-2 ohms) so it WILL short. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MEASURE CURRENT ACROSS V to GND.
The hard drives in emus are regular every day hard drives. Nothing special. No changes to power connector.
the emu "IDE kit" did have the cable that takes the non standard motherboard pinout and connects it to the regular hard drive power supply.
They did this so its a little unique and could be charged for. Most ppl make their own using the info on the board and electronics knowledge.
When I said get the 2.5" drive going in the EMu - I meant directly - powered by emu, connected directly to IDE connector to rule out your addonics board being incompatible or blown up.
When that works, AND you can independently see it on the Mac or PC as a FAT32 drive then use the addonics board and see if you can get that working.
However, I strongly suspect you have damaged the drive and the caddy already given the power swapping.
I'm not tech support for emu :-) just an emu user - so suggest you see if you can locate a local friend who has electronics knowledge to help you.
I'm going offline for a couple of weeks...

Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:32 pm
by kalide
I also note that the way you are using your DVM is WRONG!
You could short out your Emu power supply.
On your DVM your Black lead should go to COMMON - GROUND
Red should go to ADCV - volts.
The way you have it connected is from the current measure point to voltage. READ the manual before diving in like this. Like I warned, you are close to damaging things my friend....
If you unsure - stop.
Try measuring voltage on some familiar items to get familiar - e.g. a simple DC power supply, a 9V battery, a 1.5V battery etc.

Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:23 pm
by Navjot Singh
I done it
it was actually piss easy (my arrogance was the thing that made it harder!), ive got rid of the crap drive that i knackered
didnt need to do much in the end, its seen all 111GB and yeah it kiks it :-)
bit slowish on transfer, but i dont care i love it
i can confirm the addonics jupiter mobile drive works, just need to try and sort out the file system noncence but yea
if anyone wants to know how to set one up
let me know
:-D im boosted :-D
thanks kalide again for your help

Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:36 pm
by grizzvolga
Congrats Navjot!
Could you please post pictures of how the Emu looks with/without the drive enclosure inside? And also, how the back of the enclosure looks with the special usb cable?
Are you able to power the drive via USB, or do you need the external poer supply?
Were you able to bolt the drive bay on the floppy's holes, or did you have to make new holes?

Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:57 pm
by Navjot Singh
hey yea course matie ill put a picture up, just got to find my blasted camera lol
ill try and find it now if i cant find it im going in uni tomoro i can deffo do it then

Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:36 pm
by jamie8286
Hey guys iv been thinking of doin this mod iv read all the post and looks like it is a quick and easy way to transfer samples. I have an E4XT ultra with internal quantum fireball (using a power mac g5). When you have done the upgrade how would i transfer samples from the quantum fireball to the new 2.5" drive?
thanks Jamie

Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:37 pm
by jamie8286
Oh man nearly 4hrs to transfer 51 drum samples onto my emu through floppy drive
Still it sounds good though
I need this mod asap i think,,,,,,

Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:42 pm
by Navjot Singh
haha thats what im trying to sort out now
i have some wikid access virus transfers that i want to switch over
i have to rig up the quantum drive
then im going to transfer to my akai (which means formatting the akai)
via scuzi the transfer
then rig up the drive again
i will be putitng the pics up of the mod soon bare with me
i just need to find my dam camera
oh BTW the emu doesnt like 24 bit samples
so if anyone knows a software that can MASS DITHER DOWN lots of samples
but i cant find a way of using my ensembles dither to mass dither files, i can only do it one by one.
take care

Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:19 pm
by jamie8286
Great stuff thanks. Yeh i also have a virus but i was going to transfer samples as and when i needed them per song just so you have a lot more flexibility with using the virus filters,attack,release etc as well. Shame you carn't send them back to the virus
Yeh i just used sound studio to convert 24-16bit but as you say could only do it one a a time. I made a separate folder so save the 16bit to because i wasn't sure if i could convert back to 24bit without doing something to the sound quality? Do you know if this makes any difference changing back and forth?

Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:51 am
by Navjot Singh
hey there is deffinatley a difference between 16 bit and 24 bit files
if you flatten it over and over as you get quantisation noise kind of the ofset
and obviously more noise = more artifacts which is going to suck ass!
yeah the thing about the virus is that you can drive the filters for very dark tones
i find that i get really interesting results if i drive the filter
keep the cuttoff open and use the morph filters on the emu to do the work
that way you get the best of both'ish worlds
Give it a go, you will never want to go back
still looking for that camera sorry lads,
BTW anyone that can find a mass dithering program, or if anyone knows how to do this with Mac's automator, i have notaiced that if i convert to aiff in itunes it defaults to 16 bit
so if i search for audio files, then ***(maybe get audiofiles or something like that)**** then convert files in itunes
that is Ment to work, but im sure it doesnt, as i have been ripping my hair out trying it
Nav :-)