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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:10 am
by maky357
Guys i am a bit confused. V4.7 FAT ADDEND manual say:

FAT formatted drives CANNOT share the SCSI bus with EOS and a PC. The PC?s operating system does not understand the concept of two master SCSI devices and may overwrite and damage your EOS sample files.

What does that strictly mean (i mean i know how to read but..)??
Is this mean that if i have IDE drive with FAT file structure it is not smart to use SCSI for example for controlling e64k with ZoeOS?

I CAN NOT send files to IDE with FAT32 via SCSI ? (then how? by connecting IDE drive to my PC and using chickensys or..?)

Sorry if i am asking funny things i am really new to this and i dont want to break something inside my e64k. Thank you for any help :thumbs:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:53 pm
by kalide
What this means is that with EOS 4.7:

IF you have TWO "Masters" on the SCSI BUS and one or more shared drive on the SAME bus e.g.:

1. A PC
2. an Emu Sampler
3. a SCSI disk

If the disk is FAT32 - i.e. both ends PC and SAMPLER are trying to read/write to the disk as they know the format and need to read the structure of the disk to read the directory etc.

If this happens AT THE SAME TIME, then its like Two PC's trying to read/write a disc on the same SCSI Bus = Data corruption since there's no "negotiation" going on in SCSI between the Emu and the PC.

This is only if you use FAT32.

Now, if your drive is in EOS format , then windows will ignore it or ask you to "Initialize it" WHICH YOU SHOULD NOT DO!! THAT WILL ERASE THE BOOT SECTOR ON THE DISK AND YOU WILL LOSE DATA. Initialize in WinXP is like a "Quick Format".

If you tell WinXP to ignore the disk, then it will leave it alone, and you could in theory have Translator or CDEtract read the disk. Ignoring the Initialize just tells windows to leave it alone and not mess with the boot sector.

If you have an IDE drive in the Emu then its on a separate bus entirely - you can send Samples to the Samplers MEMORY via SCSI - ie. to a Bank or preset and then you can save it to your IDE drive. You cannot read/write the IDE drive over SCSI - simply physically not possible and never will be.

You can take your SCSI or IDE FAT32 drive out of the emu physically and read/write it on the PC.

If its in EOS format, then to read it you need a tool that can decode the EOS format - i.e. translator or CD Extract. I would be leary of writing to an EOS disk unless you've proven it works with the tool on a "test" disk.