where to buy a hd for my e4xt ultra

so, sorry to hear about scsiforsamplers going out of business, they were great guys. does anyone know where i can pick up a 10 or 20 gb hd for my e4xt ultra? also, when i get it i'm going to have to format it, correct? i don't believe i have a disk to do this or....what the hell do i have to do?!?!? it's been so long since i've had to do anything with my beloved sampler that this is throwing me. i'm getting a 'cant divide by zero' message or something when i hit the sample edit button and there is a burst of white noise at the beginning of some samples so therefore i'm believing it to be the drive is going bad. i know this is a bit scattered but if anyone has had this problem, please let me know if it is indeed the hd. thanks in advance everyone!