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Wavelab 6 E4XT SMDI Only one sample at a time?

Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:25 pm
by greenbluegold
I've got my e4xt connected by scsi to my computer and I can send samples to and from Wavelab, but I can only see how to send one sample at a time. I remember back when I used Bias Peak with an a3000 that I could send of whole list of samples through SMDI to the sampler without having to transmit each one individually. I find it hard to believe that Wavelab and the emu would lack this functionality (the last thing I want to do after having auditioned 300 hi hat samples is to send each one them individually to the sampler) I don't mind if the transfer takes an hour so long as I don't have to sit there clicking, manually switching the sample destination, clicking x300. I hope I'm missing something obvious. The manuals are no help. Anybody with experience regarding this?

Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:23 pm
by alien_brain
i have used wavelab to send samples to my asrx and i never found any way to send multiple samples...

Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:38 pm
by greenbluegold
Ok thanks. It seemed like such an obvious feature to include that I figured I was just being a bit blind. So the question is, what program should I be using to transmit samples by SMDI on an XP computer?

Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:32 am
by kalide
Does batching in Wavelab help? ... h_wavelab/
(never used it myself, I used Recycle to send multiple slices of samples as a "library" of waves across the keyboard in one hit)

Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:08 am
by alien_brain
propellerheads recycle, the older version. i think you can buy it and request an older version.
zoeos? maybe? i dont use it yet haha!
there may be others.

Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:42 pm
by mocheez
Yeah, I think I remember the older version of Recycle would even automatically send a loop's slices as individual samples and place them on the E-mu.