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Controller for E6400 or other samplers

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:14 pm
by Juzzy
Does anyone know of a control surface with knobs etc... that you can freely assign to control the E6400.

I know E-mu made the Launchpad, which seemed to be quite good. I'm just not sure - can you use a Kenton Control Freak or just about any midi controller device?

I've always just assigned filter and resonance etc.. to the joystick on my master keyboard, but would like more controls available if possible.

By the way, if anyone has a Launchpad in the London area I would be interested in buying it.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:09 pm
by jdrummer
Hi Juzzy,

I am working with the Axiom 61 Keyboard which has knobs, sliders and triggerpads. I can highly recommand it for your purpose.

Best wishes


PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:10 am
by vermis_rex
Even if the controller has fixed cc numbers for its controllers (controller controller, just to further confuse you), you can re-assign the MIDI A through MIDI L cc numbers in the MIDI options screen on the E6400 (Master>MIDI>Control2 page). And then just make sure you're consistent in assigning the MIDI controller patch-cord connections in your sampler presets.

I'm using the control surface on the E-mu PX-7 Command Station, so I can't really recommend a particular controller to you. Of the ones I've seen, I'm partial to the Behringer BCR2000 rotary controller... not least because its inexpensive. Or the Akai MPD24 or MPD32 have pads, knobs, and sliders (I've heard nicer things about the older MPD24 vs. the MPD32).

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:17 am
by jamie8286

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:48 pm
by Juzzy
Thanks for your replies everyone.

vermis_rex - I like the idea of getting the BCR2000, since it is cheap and has loads of knobs - and now you've mentioned that I should be able to control my E6400 from that, it's become more tempting.

Jamie - Yeah, I saw the Launchpad as well - although they don't come up that often, I didn't buy it. I think it's okay, though, since it sounds like newer controllers will do the job, whilst also being USB equipped for controlling software.

Thanks again

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:23 pm
by sixtysixnorth
Check out the Novation Automap range of controllers, very versatile studio all rounders.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:44 pm
by illinformed
I use the Kenton Control Freak Studio Edition. I think it partners the emu wonderfully.

It can send out multiple messages on multiple midi channels per slider. Eg, I have cutoff on controller A on 1 slider for midi channels 1 - 8 and another for 9-16 ? lovely. It really gives the emu a run for it's money as sometimes the emu can't keep up with all the midi information being plowed into it (especially the RFX card that really struggles with midi changes).

It can also program sysex and program changes and midi tempo etc. My favourite at the moment is changing a preset by slider. You can set a high and low value too, so for example I can change the presets from number 20 to 35 on midi channel 1. I do this with chopped up breaks as it gives you live fills, perfect for live use.

The only downside is that it can take a while to program a slider if you are assigning multiple commands to it. There is a PC editor that allows you to cut and paste.

Re: Controller for E6400 or other samplers

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:54 am
by nuts
Hi, i did a hard work to implement lots of function to controlling an E6400 classic with Mackie C4. The joke is i soldmy e6400 and never bought a C4.

I copy you some the stuff i did on another forum, sorry it is in french but at least pictures talk for themsevles, this the best you can have to control E6400 i think but there are still somme issues:

De base le preset pour l'E-6400 du constructeur est assez pauvre: une cinquantaine de paramètres et de plus il est bien buggé.
J'ai optimisé le preset et dorénavant on peux piloter directement 168 paramètres.
Il réside encore des bugs bien que j'ai suivi à la lettre l'implémentation SYSEX d'E.O.S disponible ici
J'ai tout de même essayé différentes valeurs pour l'action des potards mais dans certains cas listés plus bas cela n'a malheureusement rien changé.
Si vous y arrivez merci de faire signe!

Voilà le preset!

Celui ci est l'instrument édité à mettre dans le dossier instrument pour remplacer celui d'usine:E6400
Ici le preset à charger sur le C4:E6400.C4L

J'ai implémenté en +:

- Un bouton panik en cas de note qui bloque.
- Les paramètres manquant de l'envellope d'ampli et le routing de l'ampli (ou voies c pareil).
- L'edition des voies: glide, chorus, mode de jeu, latch on/off...etc
- L'assignation de la polyphonie ou non aux voies, avec 1 touche on/off par mode, c'est plus pratique.
- Le pilotage des cords 1à 17: source,destination, amount.
- Le pilotage de certains paramètres de la section master, ceux qui me servent le plus souvent, j'aurais pu tout implémenter mais je préfère pas j'estime que certains paramètres sont mieux planqués, accessibles par menu comme les ID scsi, la terminaison etc..
- Corrigé les valeurs pour pouvoir piloter correctement tous les paramètres des filtres.

Visiblement l'implementation SYSEX d 'EOS n'a pas été mise à jour au fil des updates si bien que certains paramètres ne sont pas sélectionnables si votre sampler est upgradé comme le mien:
-LFO 1 & 2 shape (le potard ne va couvre pas toute l'étendue des ondes disponibles).

Je n'ai pas pu corriger ou implémenter pafaitement l'action des potards suivant:

- Chorus ITD (ne fonctionne qu'en positif c'est à dire delay à droite)
- Chorus width (qu'en positif et bloque sur 100%)
- Voice tuning :coarse, fine, transpose (ne fonctionnent qu'en positif)
- Cords source (s'arrête à clockDwhl), Cords destination (s'arrête à SUM), Cords amount (fonctionne qu'en positif).

J'ai viré:
Un paramètre que j'ai ajouté: >ear< qu'on voit en haut à droite sur chaque page, c'était l'équivalent du bouton Audition de la façade mais ça freezait mon sampleur, dommage.
Les paramètres du chorus fonctionnant mal.
:idea: J'y pense en écrivant, je vais tenter de le remplacer par un note/on sur la touche C4:idea:

C'est pas encore parfait mais y'a l'essentiel, j'ai pas implémenté le contrôle des FX n'ayant pas la carte installée.

Voilà le résultat en image, il ya 9 pages de réglages et maintenant 168 paramètres directement accessibles :)


Re: Controller for E6400 or other samplers

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:44 pm
by Mr_F
I picked up a nice little controller keyboard with loads of buttons, faders, drum pads recently.. its been great for controlling my E6400 Ultra and Emulator X2


Edirol PCR 300

Re: Controller for E6400 or other samplers

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:29 pm
by princi
The Novation X-Station also works good with the e6400 and my e4xt.

Re: Controller for E6400 or other samplers

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 10:25 am
by Niklas
I have bought an Xboard-61 just fore control my e6400. But I haven't tried out if its work yet. ... duct=15164