Rhythmic Delays plugin v1.2 for EOS 4.7

Hi all,
This was sent to me a few years ago by Steve Hoge from Emu after I identified a bug in the released version 1.1 which caused the feedback and hf rolloff settings not to be restored when changing multisetup. This version fixes that bug. I've been meaning to upload it for a while now, but although my isp advertises free webspace I've never found out how to activate it...
This only works on version 4.7 I'm afraid.
This was sent to me a few years ago by Steve Hoge from Emu after I identified a bug in the released version 1.1 which caused the feedback and hf rolloff settings not to be restored when changing multisetup. This version fixes that bug. I've been meaning to upload it for a while now, but although my isp advertises free webspace I've never found out how to activate it...
This only works on version 4.7 I'm afraid.