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Integrating an esi-4000 with a PC

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:55 am
by ni-cad
Of late I've been missing my esi 4000 sampler and I really want to re-intergrate it back in to my studio. The problem facing me is how to intergrate/couple it with my PC so that it can quickly access samples.

It's currently hooked up to an old external 1 gig hard drive via a huge SCSI connector lead, which I would really like to do away with. What I wan't to do is find an external hard drive that the pc and the sampler can share or some other way of conecting the two so I can simply drag samples from my daw/pc in to the e-mu. Does anyone know if this is possible, given that the e-mu has only SCSI connectors? I imagine my pc would need a hard drive with USB. . . . Or would it? I'm running XP64, and have also run out of spare slots on my motherboard so fitting an SCSI port to my pc is going to be impossible.

I'm a bit lost,I already have an external hard drive with a terrabite of space, but don't know how to best go about connecting either the hard drive or the PC to my esi.

Re: Integrating an esi-4000 with a PC

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:01 am
by kalide
This is tough - ESI's don't have a PC compatible file and disk format - its EOS proprietary. So you need tools like Translator o ESI-WIn (which was only ever a beta).

VERY long shot getting this to work on XP64 - you are going to be running software thats Win98SE vintage and pre SP1 XP....

Cheaper to upgrade to an Emu Ultra rather than keeping ESI's alive...