Sampling questions need veteran advice

Hey guys... recently I bought an Alesis ION which I love the sound but it is only 8 voice polyphonic. Nooooo problem cause I've got an E5000. So I've been practicing sampling the ION to the E5000 with the help of that EOS auto sampler program for logic (makes it nice and easy i looove it) but somethings are not quite right I have a couple of questions about sampling synths.
1. Got filters on the synth obviously, is it usual to sample the synth using these filters and then either turn off the filter on the EMU or filter the filters. When I did the latter it didnt sound good, I think the resonance on the resonance was causing clipping has anyone done the filter of filter successfully? Conversely since the Z-planes are so phat is it a better idea to bypass the ION filters and sample the pure sound then tweak that sound using EMU filters to what i want?
2. Obviously since I want the sound of a synth recreated I want an eternal sustain as long as the note is held down. I origonally tried to do this by looping each sample in the multisample. This sounded bad, there is seemingly no way to loop the sample without an audible click at the beginning. Perhaps because I sampled without bypassing the filters on the ION. Anyway can this instead be done by changing the voice amp filter dcy2 to hold.... does the EMU let you specify hold values?
Anyway if the only way to do this is to loop the sample, is there a sysex command that I can put into the logic EOSautosample program that will automatically loop the voice? Any other advice on sampling synths is greatly appreciated....
1. Got filters on the synth obviously, is it usual to sample the synth using these filters and then either turn off the filter on the EMU or filter the filters. When I did the latter it didnt sound good, I think the resonance on the resonance was causing clipping has anyone done the filter of filter successfully? Conversely since the Z-planes are so phat is it a better idea to bypass the ION filters and sample the pure sound then tweak that sound using EMU filters to what i want?
2. Obviously since I want the sound of a synth recreated I want an eternal sustain as long as the note is held down. I origonally tried to do this by looping each sample in the multisample. This sounded bad, there is seemingly no way to loop the sample without an audible click at the beginning. Perhaps because I sampled without bypassing the filters on the ION. Anyway can this instead be done by changing the voice amp filter dcy2 to hold.... does the EMU let you specify hold values?
Anyway if the only way to do this is to loop the sample, is there a sysex command that I can put into the logic EOSautosample program that will automatically loop the voice? Any other advice on sampling synths is greatly appreciated....