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emu timing probs, help!

Tue Nov 18, 2003 10:44 am
by tha big dawg
im trying to record audio from my e5000 ultra, as it is being triggered from logic, but i keep getting errors, the beat is not hitting on time when i try record.
it is happening on anything i try to record, all done separately too...
i have checked out all the settings and cannot suss it, emu's clock is set to external etc, logic internal, every hit once in a while will be just off, and it needs to b on!
pain in the ass
sum1 plse help asap!

Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:09 pm
by nads
What sort of clock is the E--MU receiving from the external source? MTC? Nads...

Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:25 am
by tha big dawg
wot do u measn wot sort of clock?
that mite b the prob...
im using logic and have tried sending midi clock and also MTC..
i have a m-audio audiophile master clcok set to 'internal'.
yea just little errors are happening so it doesnt sound smooth....
wanna have it tite and

Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:39 am
by tha big dawg
EOS 4.61 aswell

Wed Nov 19, 2003 5:45 am
by nads
Leave the sampler's clock on "internal" and the card to "internal". See what the latency is from Logic and adjust pre--roll to suit. Like this: Have a wav file hard quantised to a beat (like a hat sound), trigger the same sound from the sampler (sequenced to trigger at same time as hat hit in sequencer), record into SForge/Wavelab whatever (each coming in on a different mono channel) so you can see the latency in samples when you xamine the wav/aiff files against each other (I've got about a 180 sample delay from Cubase=180/44100=.00480s and my preroll/midi to audio delay is set at 180 samples). I use Wordclock as the synch source for everything via an MTP-AV btw. Is it drifting or just not tight??

Wed Nov 19, 2003 7:57 am
by tha big dawg
ill try putting the samplers clock to internal...
the sounds arent drifting, just 'missing' the beat by a fraction every so often....
and ill send the 'midi clock' right?