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Sucess! Intel OSX sample/preset/bank transfer using CF card!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:49 am
by Origin
Hey Everyone.

As an avid reader very occasional contributor to this fine resource, I feel an obligation to share a solution for data transfer from EMU to OSX & Back.

It's not perfect, but I think it's a good option for OSx Intel Users.

Anyone with any suggestions of ways to skip steps and generally make things easier, please share your ideas!

Thank you to all of the amazing contributors to this website.

What I'm Doing: Transferring EOS Banks from EMU to OSX for backup & organization, creating EXS24 Instruments in Logic Pro and, using VMWare Software running Chicken System's Translator Pro.

Equipment used:

Mac Pro Desktop (No easy SCSI options really)
USB CF Card Reader attached to Mac Pro
EMU 6400 Ultra
SCSI For Samplers Exteral CF Card Reader attached to EMU.

Sofware needed:

Logic Pro, Recycle or whatever else that exports files Translator can translate into .EOS format. NOTE: .SF2 and .EXS have worked for me, not .RX2 or .NKI
Windows XP SP 2 Install disc & Serial
VM Ware Software (For running windows on OSX)
Chicken Translator Pro Windows Version (Until OSX Translator Pro supports .EOS conversion then skip many many steps)


From EMU to OSX for backup & Editing.

-Install VM Ware, WIndows XP, and Translator Pro
1.Format CF Card in EMU, Low Level is apparently preferable.
2. Consolidate emu banks & Folders from various media to CF Card
3. After saving in folders for organizational purposes (assuming you are coming from crummy, small data storage such as ZIP etc.
4. Shut down EMU & All SCSI Devices connected to it
5. Pull out CF card and put it in the USB CF Card Reader while VM Ware is in focus
6. Windows should mount the CF card (DING!)
7. Open Translator Pro
8. Notice "Generic Multi Card Media" or similar on left side of Translator in Drive list
=This is your emu files, check the file structure to ensure all folders & banks are showing up.
9. Once determined that files are there, import using translator into desired format. This is accomplished by selecting EMU CF card on left drive list, and dragging files from Right Translator window into desired windows folder location on left Translator window. Do not forget to push REFRESH in Translator as it doesn't automatically update file structure.

Note: The CF Card mounting on both ends of the process is paramount, make sure to run a test with a dummy CF card and not with your original backup data!

Buy two cards, back up to one, work on another.

Now, how to get from OSX/Windows to EMU

1. Create instruments in Recycle (Export .SF2), or ESX24 in Logic (EXS Export Instruments and sample files from edit menu).
2. Dump instruments into VM Ware Windows Disc
3. Open Translator Pro
4. Browse to Folder with Instruments on left Translator window
5. On right window, you should see either a list of folders or instruments. If in folders, double click folder to expose instrument file, if you already see instrument file, drag instrument file from right window into desired location on either CF card itself or into a Virtual Drive (Created from Menu Prompt) for organization and ability to create file structure before actually writing to card.

NOTE: EMUS HATE 24 BIT FILES!!!!!!!!!! 16 bit format only, dont forget to dither when doing bit-depth reductions for transfer to emu...

This enables me to freely transfer files back and forth to the EMU, collect files from my hard drive using a familiar interface (EXS 24) and name, place, and edit in normal software rather than that silly EMU Screen. Also, all data can safely be backed up and edited.

Things I still need to get good at:

1. Taking .EOS files, converting them, editing them in some program, and putting them back into .EOS files with no formatting issues or weird mapping stuff.
2. Making this PITA process feel quick and seamless.



Re: Sucess! Intel OSX sample/preset/bank transfer using CF card!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:51 am
by MFPhouse
Sounds god!

Re: Sucess! Intel OSX sample/preset/bank transfer using CF card!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:47 am
by Origin
After running through this process for the past day or so, I'm finding myself digging through my hard drive, finding stuff I dont remember making, recording, or locating in the first place...

I'm also noticing that Recycle is a significantly better audio splitter and editor than Logic. Some of you might be laughing.

The fact that I can export .SF2 files means Recycle's output goes directly into translator, then directly onto my CF EMU drive or a Virtual Drive for organization.


Re: Sucess! Intel OSX sample/preset/bank transfer using CF card!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:40 pm
by jamie8286
cool seems like a good way to me! did you have to install windows through boot camp on you mac? If not how did you get chicken translator to work on mac. Im not really very clued up on all the file transfer to .EOS stuff could do with learning abit really because mainly been using sampler for small looping parts due to having to copy files through floppy still :roll:


Re: Sucess! Intel OSX sample/preset/bank transfer using CF card!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:14 am
by Origin
To get Windows onto my OSX Intel Box, I used VM Ware to install a Windows XP disc with a legit serial.

Then I installed Translator Pro into it.

The OSX Version of Translator Pro doesn't support .EOS transfer, so that makes this process about 10 times more complicated.

OSX + .EOS = good
