ZoeOS, Win7 & SCSI

Hi all,
I've been trying to run ZoeOs on Win7 ... well, the software itself runs like a charm, but I can't get to see my e6400 Ultra to show up in the SMDI devices window. Thus I can't massively send samples to the sampler's RAM, which is one of the best features for me, as any of my patches embbeds hundreds of samples ...
As I have a CF reader on my Emu, I had thought of putting all the wavs on the CF, but didn't find a way to load all the samples in RAM in a simple & fast way (other than loading them one at a time) ...
Any Idea here ?
Searched for an ASPI driver for Win7, but found nothing ....
Thanx for helping out !
I've been trying to run ZoeOs on Win7 ... well, the software itself runs like a charm, but I can't get to see my e6400 Ultra to show up in the SMDI devices window. Thus I can't massively send samples to the sampler's RAM, which is one of the best features for me, as any of my patches embbeds hundreds of samples ...

As I have a CF reader on my Emu, I had thought of putting all the wavs on the CF, but didn't find a way to load all the samples in RAM in a simple & fast way (other than loading them one at a time) ...
Any Idea here ?
Searched for an ASPI driver for Win7, but found nothing ....
Thanx for helping out !