cheap HD/ CDrom Installation
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 7:20 pm
last night i got really sick of saving my tunes to zip. its getting pretty expensive ($40 cdn for 1 250mb) i smoked a fatty dug up an old scsii hard drive and scsii cdrom (ibm deskstar 9gig and yamaha scsii cdrw) openned up my computer to see that i had two power supply connections remaining. then i dug up an old scsii ribbon, connected the hd and cdrom to my power supply then chained thenm both to my scsii card (adaptec 2940). closed my comp up.....turned my sampler on......rebooted my comp....and to my surprise my sampler saw both the HD and the CDrom. so then i formatted the HD from the sampler, and bingo i now have a HD and a CDrom for my sampler without buying a hd installation kit for the emu and without buying an external box for the CDrom. i guess i got lucky that i didn't have to set any scsii settings any differnetly...... it's just an idea that might help some people out..Easy. Locuss