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live stage use

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:12 am
by ra coon
65i8 on stage acts

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:23 am
by ra coon

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:56 pm
by ra coon

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 4:45 am
by MindMech
I've been working on my live PA for almost two years and I'm still not ready to perform QUITE yet... Anyway, equipment involed is my E-6400 Ultra, an Elektron MachineDrum, an MPC2000XL, a Sherman FilterBank II, Electrix Mo-FX, a KeyFax Phat.Boy, and a MOTU MIDI Timepiece II to route all of the MIDI. Plus a mixer, of course :)

I sequence and control almost everything with the MPC2kXL. Control the RFX effects from the Phat.Boy's knobs. Control the FilterBank and Mo-FX live. Also can do real-time control of some of the MachineDrum parameters, but that gets to be too much at once. I might drop the FilterBank from the live setup as well, as it sometimes spits out very intense and difficult to predict frequencies that are totally out of place.

I'm also working on a smaller setup w/ just the MPC, Phat.Boy, and E-Mu, for performing ambient music in the subway. I actually might swap out the MPC for an E-Mu Command Station (XL-7 or MP-7) as I've heard they have more interesting options for live sequencing, and they also have sounds; I don't use the MPC's sampler too heavily.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:05 pm
by elemental
I'm currently in the process of putting a live setup together.

My plan is to use:

E6400 Ultra w/ RFX (selling my e4xt)
Evolver synth
Emu PX-7 for sequencing
Mackie mixer
External analog filter
External delay and reverb fx.

Anyone else in the London area looking for a partner in crime for live breaks, send me an email: adam{at}


PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:09 am
by Bender
I've been creating tunes entirely with my EMU (using a PC running Logic just for sequencing), and would like to get into playing it live.
I have had a little trouble though, working out exactly how to technically go about taking the tunes I've already made and modify them to be able to perform them live.

How do you people out there have things structured hardware wise + with the EMU? In particular, how do you structure your presets etc, to be able to play all the sounds that comprise all the tunes that make up your entire set while still maintaining continuity and flow? Would you have to keep loading new presets on the fly and assigning them to a particular MIDI channel before playing the sequence pattern for what you just loaded? I'm really lost when it comes to working out exactly how to handle all the logistics of playing live :???: .

Can anybody give me any pointers as to how to go about constructing and playing live sets with the EMU?


PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:30 am
by illinformed
One thing I do is keep presets consistent. Eg, kick on C1, D#1 for snare, an somehwere octave for bass but all in the same preset. It takes alot of fiddling at first especially converting old banks but eventually it means you can switch presets mid song and have a completely different set of sounds playing the same sequence.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 6:40 am
by ra coon
paper weight

ATTN illinformed

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:19 pm
by elemental
Easy Mr Illinformed ... did u get my PM?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 4:24 pm
by spiral''
i'm working up to doing a live PA. the most important piece of gear for this is going to be my Yamaha RM1x sequencer. you can run all your synths + samplers, mute/solo tracks on the fly. switch up patterns and do fills in real time. and 8 assgnable knobs are great for doing filters etc on all the other gear.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:50 pm
by ron
Probably a different style to most on this list (mix of church and supporting singing groups but classical/jazz/ambient fusion solos), but I too am setting up a live rig (been thinking about it for a couple of years).

Until I commit hard cash (* below), things change (!) but my current plan is

Generalmusic Promega 3 principally as a stage piano

* Kawai K5000W for pads and suchlike (and maybe controller for solo instruments)

* E6400 ultra (expanded RAM and disk - no RFX) instrumental sounds and sequencing

Edirol UM-880 Midi patch bay (keep alternating with MidiTemp PM880E - but will have to decide when I get the promega)

Soundcraft Spirit ES mixer built into a Gator 8U/Mixer combo box.
This leaves me with space for 4U of other rack gear.

I would like Nord Modular and either a Yamah Motif rack or possibly a Roland rack and an E-MU virtuoso to beef up the instrumental sounds.

I'm thinking of a Kenton Control Freak studio to feed the K5000 (about the most tweakable bit of kit I've owned) and a Berhinger FC-1010 to provide some foot controllers and patch changing - don't know how to route these controllers yet.
Thinking of taking a feed from the mixer to feed a couple of small personal monitors to give me foldback and