Max size of External SCSI Hard Drive HELP?

Anyone know the max size of external drive I can connect to my E4 platinum via scsi?
I have read that I can use upto 137GB if formated in fat 32 , but I am unsure if this only applies to internal IDE drives.
If I can use a large scsi drive like this I will buy a internal drive and scsi enclosure on ebay and connect via a cable and save myself the worry of poking around inside this machine, as it is so maxed out with optional cards and running so smoothly I would rather not tamper, but the internal 20GB drive is getting so full.
Anyone out there able to help?
Running EOS 4.7
I have read that I can use upto 137GB if formated in fat 32 , but I am unsure if this only applies to internal IDE drives.
If I can use a large scsi drive like this I will buy a internal drive and scsi enclosure on ebay and connect via a cable and save myself the worry of poking around inside this machine, as it is so maxed out with optional cards and running so smoothly I would rather not tamper, but the internal 20GB drive is getting so full.
Anyone out there able to help?
Running EOS 4.7