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Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:38 am
by xab
Thank you very much. This is appreciated.
I cannot speak for Russ obviously, but according to the pictures of the ESI-4000's internals at, it very much looks like the installation of an internal card reader is not going to be at the expense of the SCSI port on the back, provided that you use the appropriate internal SCSI cable.
Without card reader:
With card reader installed:

Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:34 pm
by russ
Yes, you keep the scsi port at the back, you just need to replace the internal scsi cable(which has the back port included) to allow an extra internal socket.
these cables are available new on ebay. The photo Xavier has posted seems to be an internal zip drive installation, the power cable is different(molex) for the card reader
and the pcd-50 card reader is slightly bigger than the zip drive, leaving you with 1mm to spare from the psu

Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:36 pm
by trondk
I'm planning to buy the pcd-50 and use it in my computer with an adaptec aha2940uw against my e64.
I see that when connected in a sampler, only the CF part works due to the lun problem.
But when connected to my adaptec card with lun support, would my e64 be able to see it?
I was hoping to get a 16 or 32gb SDHC card up and runnig for my e-mu.
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:13 pm
by apprenticemart2
Hi Everyone,
I'm glad to have found this very informative thread.
I have just got an ESI4000 and am trying to get a PCD-50 (v1.28)to work with it. It says NO DISK IN DRIVE.
It's a ESI4000 Turbo, but has OS 3.01 which seems strange.
Do I need to upgrade to 3.02 in order to get the PCD-50 to work, do I need to use termination, is there a certain CF card (type/size) and PCMCIA adapter I need to get it to work?
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:31 am
by russ
are you trying to use the cf card slot on the pcd-50 directly?
if so, this is your problem, the esi4000 can only see the pc card slot on the pcd-50, therefore you need to get a pcmcia to cf card adapter (they go for about 10 quid or less on ebay)
it seems silly but its the only way to get it to work, the good side of that is its hot swappable. I use os version 3.1 and it works fine.
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:15 pm
by apprenticemart2
Thanks for your reply.
I have 2 PCMCIA to CF adapters. I think they are faulty, or my CF cards are not compatible.
I installed the PCD-50 on my pc and was able to access all card types I could test.
I can put an SD to PCMCIA adapter in the slot and my PC will read and write to it.
If I try the CF to PCMCIA adapters in they are not detected at all by my PC.
With the ESI, I can detect only one of my 2 adapters and that is only detected with one of my 2 CF cards.
I can start the format procedure(install file system), but I only get one blink of the drive and it seems to lock up indefinitely, showing formatting card......
Anyway, the good news is that I should be able to get this working eventually with v3.01 of the OS.
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:29 pm
by trondk
I'll ask again:
Am I still locked to the pcmcia port when connected to my adaptech aha2940uw?
I'm using an e64 connected to the same card.
Plan is: 16gb sdch.
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:13 pm
by ds2416
I got the PCD-50B for my ESI32 but not sure how to make the molex 5v connection from the main board.
Any can help? Deeply appreciate!
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:32 pm
by russ
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:36 pm
by ds2416
Thousand thanks Russ!! I managed to power up the carder reader according to your pic finally. However, the carder cannot be recognize by the esi-32. I have tried different jumper setting without success. I'm afraid the carder reader maybe broken due to my wrong experimentation with 12V previously. Can you tell me what's your jumper setting (ID & termination)? Is the light of your card reader always ON while the sampler is running? (mine is)
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:51 pm
by russ
The light flashes on and off as the sampler is booting up, the light will only come on if data is saving or loading to the card-its basically an "in use" light.
I cant remember what settings I have on mine, try every combination possible, try no jumpers at all, also make sure the esi-32 is on a different scsi id setting from the card reader.
you can easily change the esi scsi id setting from the master menu. Send private messages to the people on this thread who are using the card readers on esi-32s, as I am using them on esi2000/4000 with OS 3.01/3.02 which generally seem to give less trouble compared to the esi-32 with older OS.
What OS are you running?
are you using the pcmcia to cf adapter?
Id hope that because your light is always on, your card reader isnt fried, seems more like a termination/scsi id issue.
Re: SCM PCD-50 and PCD-60B SCSI Readers

Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:22 pm
by moshimoshi
Anyone tried these drives internally in an Ultra series sampler? Everyone seems to be using these with an ESI.
Do the Ultra series have internal SCSI? Or IDE only? I'm using an external CF at the moment but would like to install an internal CF in the future.
edit - never mind, found the info I needed here: