Re: Ide Drive installation HELP

Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:49 pm
The hot swap works, brilliant as this means that you can add files to a project without a power down.
YesI would love some info on the roland guy if you can dig it out.
Thanks catch22
Re: Ide Drive installation HELP

Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:42 pm
by jamie8286
catch22 wrote:i ended up just buying a kit with instructions from a guy online and it works great.
where did you find this kit? Id like to do an upgrade at some point but i get worried that i'll buy wrong parts or make a mistake and break something.
Re: Ide Drive installation HELP

Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:26 am
by MFPhouse
Don´t worry. It´s very simple. I have also two left Hands.
Just buy an Adapter from 3,5-2,5 ( Maybe 6-8 Euro ) and a little LapTop Harddisk . ( Maximum 120 GB - not more than 40 Euro ) .
And see what happends . It´s very simple , if you open the E-MU ( You have the E4XT Ultra ? ) it´s selfexplaned.
Drop-Stack-Put - Ready.
After reboot you see - if it didn´t work - just go back to your old HardDisks - or buy another Adapter.
It´s nothing special this Adapter.
There is only one Bug - This Adapter has "Pins" . And one of this Pin is the Sleep-Modus Pin .
Remember you have Two Sleep Modus - One for the Hard Disk and one For the Whole Sampler - Display.
The newer Adaper don´t know this Pin ....Don´t know why - it´s a technology from the early 90´s , so now we have 2011 and have to live with this
...or you find one with this Pin. But who knows ?
EDIT: And yes
I have the drive vertically mounted simply with tape.
It may only be mounted strictly vertically or horizontally !, as this gets shaken the rotation of the disk into.