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Sample CD ROMs for E4

Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:28 am
by massimo
I am going to pick up an E4 Platinum this weekend, and would like to load it with the best orchestral/symphonic samples possible.
As an E3 owner, I have the famous 8CD collection, with 8Mb banks. Now, something must exist that makes best use of the E4's 128Mb RAM. I mean, banks where those 128 Mega are not filled with repackaged sounds of the Proteus family, which I do not want, but rather offer brand new, longer samples made for the the E4 or other 128Mb machines (if they are compatible). I read the Miroslav Vitous CDs exist also for E-mu, so my understanding is they must be organized into 128-Mega banks, no?
What are the alternatives (those cost an awful lot of money)? Any suggestions?
best regards
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:12 am
by ozy
massimo wrote:I am going to pick up an E4 Platinum this weekend, and would like to load it with the best orchestral/symphonic samples possible.
As an E3 owner, I have the famous 8CD collection, with 8Mb banks. Now, something must exist that makes best use of the E4's 128Mb RAM. I mean, banks where those 128 Mega are not filled with repackaged sounds of the Proteus family, which I do not want, but rather offer brand new, longer samples made for the the E4 or other 128Mb machines (if they are compatible). I read the Miroslav Vitous CDs exist also for E-mu, so my understanding is they must be organized into 128-Mega banks, no?
What are the alternatives (those cost an awful lot of money)? Any suggestions?
best regards
1) Vitous is very good. I strongly recommend it. I got it included in a used sampler I bought, so I have no idea of its price. But it's very musical. Some no-loop cellos are excellent Natural decay beats ADSRs single handed. Get it.
2) no, it's not organized in 128 mega banks (they are smaller), because the banks are fairly specific (sometimes only 2-3 sounds per bank: two or three variations of solo violin, stop).
It's basically conceived as the TOTAL OPPOSITE of a proteus [one bank does it all, from harp to cellos to tympani to the "bonus" stratocaster ;-( ]
It's made for the orchestrator, and organized as such.
You'll be able to upload more than one bank (say, various winds) "merging" them up to 128 mega, then save it all as a personal new bank.
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:51 am
by massimo
Lots of useful info, thanks!
The Vitous CD cost >1300 USD at its time (circa 2000)! Today, I have no idea (do not even know if it is still available).
What you wrote- that the banks are the opposite of a Proteus bank, i.e. are much more instrument-specific, is exactly what I wanted to hear!
any suggestions on:
where to source the Vitous CD
Any alternatives to it
would be most welcome
thank you
best regards
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:54 am
by ozy
We are on thin ice here. I am a strong believer in copyrights.
I propose my opinion, but if it is misinformed, please anybody correct me.
I think that the Vitous EMU library is a discontinued, vintage product. I Think that it was replaced by a plug-in a few years ago (2006).
I think (after a brief research on the web) that there's no distribution or support for them , and they cannot be purchased.
NEW vitous libraries have been published.
The links to old libraries on Miroslav Vitous personal website are "dead".
As such, i think that it is probably neither illegal nor immoral to consider the old EMU disks as vintage stuff, and make a copy of them for personal usage of a EMU user.
It would of course be piracy taking the samples, repackaging them in a format suitable for a current hardware or software, and selling them to the public.
If all of this is true, I see no problem in finding a way of copying the library from my sampler (where it's resident since the purchase) to an hard disk of yours. Where are you located? I'm in Milan, Italy.
If anybody has different info, pls advise me.
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:18 am
by massimo
I went through exactly the same steps: that CD library is a discontinued product. Being a musician I too am "a strong believer in copyrights": I exclusively buy original music CDs. But I must also agree with your conclusions- they do make sense.
(Sono a Roma)
best regards
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:42 am
by ozy
Ti ho risposto con messaggio privato mandandoti la mia e-mail.
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:45 am
I would love to source the originals too for use on an Esynth classic. I would actually be happy to buy them (or not ...) , but where from?
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:58 pm
by Plank
I can see no problem in doing a copy of disscontinued CD-Roms for use in Disscontinued synths and samplers, as long as you do not sell them or charge any sort of fee.
Doing a disc for disc exchange of 'backed up' cd-rom would be OK as both the discs and samplers would now be counted as' Abandon Ware'.
I have been able to build up both my E-Mu and Roland CD-Rom lib's this way, by exchanging a 'Back-Up' of one (or more) of my discs for a 'Back-Up' of a disc (or more) that I do not have, with someone else that wants something from my collection via post.
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:51 am
In that case, I could "back up" my Esynth classic roms (Esynth and Dance I think they are called - 16mb) if anyone is interested. I also have a PX7 loaded with 4 roms - PX7, MP7, virtuoso 1 (I think) and World Expedition. I believe they will only work in an Ultra though. Can anyone confirm?
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:11 am
by grizzvolga
Would any EOS 4.7 users be interested is exchanging banks in .E4B format? That way, we wouldn't even need to burn CD-Roms, we would just need to send the banks though email, or upload them somewhere.
What do you think?
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:42 pm
by Plank
I'm looking for the following....
E-mu E4K Backup Data,
E-Mu Vol.14 - ESi-32 General Midi,
E-Mu Vol.17 - Heavy Guitars,
E-Mu Series 2000 Sound Effects Sound Idears Vol.1
E-Mu Series 2000 Sound Effects Sound Idears Vol.2
E-Mu Series 2000 Sound Effects Sound Idears Vol.3
E-Mu Producer Series Vol.4 - Denny Jaeger Private Collection,
Definitive Series - Definitive B3 (also known as Niacin B3)
I have all the other E-Mu libry CD-Roms and can do 'back-ups' to xchange via post.
Also need some Roland ones to complete my Roland Liby
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Tue May 15, 2012 9:53 pm
by mosrob
AMAC wrote:In that case, I could "back up" my Esynth classic roms (Esynth and Dance I think they are called - 16mb) if anyone is interested. I also have a PX7 loaded with 4 roms - PX7, MP7, virtuoso 1 (I think) and World Expedition. I believe they will only work in an Ultra though. Can anyone confirm?
The ROMS of the P2k-series will work in the Ultra.
You can access the samples, only. The Presets of the P2k-ROMs are not accessable.
Here are some names that you might see in the display:
- DRUM = Protean Drums, standard in PX7
- VROM = Vintage Collection, standard in Vintage PRO
- MROM = Pure Phatt, standard in MK6, MP7
- XROM = Xtreme Lead V2, standard in XK6, XL7
- BEAT = Beat Garden, standard in Orbit 3
- TeCnO = Techno Synth Construction Yard, standard in Orbit 3
- World = World Expedition, standard in Planet Earth
I'm interested in the samples of the ROMs in E4B-Format, especially the Protean Drums.
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:09 am
by caseygibbs
Hi, new E4XT Ultra user here. The sampler I bought appeared to have the e-synth rom installed, but I'm concerned that I may have deleted it. I certainly can't load it anymore. I'm using the floppy disc that came with it to see if I can somehow "re-install" it, but if that doesn't work, do any of you know how I could get the e-synth rom banks/samples back onto the rom?
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:33 am
by mosrob
The samples are in the ROM and have numbers starting with "X" or" Y" instead of "S".
The Presets can be found on the yellow labled CD-ROM "E4 Ultra Production Set Backup Data" that comes standard with the E4XT Ultra and are located in the folder "ROM Presets".
Re: Sample CD ROMs for E4

Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:18 am
by jevitez
I can make a Floppy for you. Make sure the ROM is still 'Enabled'. It could have been a bank from the hard drive that was just named E-Synth though.