Free Emulator SMDI Detector util

heres something that could be usefull
Hooking up the emu to scsi transfer is resonably simple, as long as you get the right cables its normally a matter of getting a scsi card and pluggin it it. However, in order to make the smdi (scsi sample dumping) work i found that i had to first switch on my pc and then after bios post's then switch on the emu. This goes against normal scsi logic, normally you would turn on all scsi devices then the computer. I found that this *never* works. So if you get to the point that you have what you need and its still not working, i suggest you try this method.
One unfortunate thing is that even using this method sometimes it still fails to find the sampler, normally rebooting the pc is enough. The only way you can see if the sampler is connected is to see if it exists in the device manager, a real pain. I got so fed up with this that i made a prorgram that would reflect the status of the smdi and place an icon in the systray next to the clock, if its black theres not connection, and if connected it shows an emu icon.
I've been running it as beta since 26-03-02 and under win98 its working fine, you need to have an adaptec aspi layer installed (since it uses this to identify sampler devices on the bus), should work on 2k also, xp is untested, anyway im not likely to ever "release" this officially since i've not got the time and well its working for me. If anyone wants it then grab the attachments (rar) in this thread, it also works with other samplers, including akai and kurz (and probably any that support smdi). As a bonus the program also inclues a delay calculator that works with msecs and hertz (usefull for absynth)
Anyway if you can find use of it leech away, no guarantees it will work for you, usual disclaimer, if it breaks your shit its not my fault
have fun and hope it helps

Hooking up the emu to scsi transfer is resonably simple, as long as you get the right cables its normally a matter of getting a scsi card and pluggin it it. However, in order to make the smdi (scsi sample dumping) work i found that i had to first switch on my pc and then after bios post's then switch on the emu. This goes against normal scsi logic, normally you would turn on all scsi devices then the computer. I found that this *never* works. So if you get to the point that you have what you need and its still not working, i suggest you try this method.
One unfortunate thing is that even using this method sometimes it still fails to find the sampler, normally rebooting the pc is enough. The only way you can see if the sampler is connected is to see if it exists in the device manager, a real pain. I got so fed up with this that i made a prorgram that would reflect the status of the smdi and place an icon in the systray next to the clock, if its black theres not connection, and if connected it shows an emu icon.
I've been running it as beta since 26-03-02 and under win98 its working fine, you need to have an adaptec aspi layer installed (since it uses this to identify sampler devices on the bus), should work on 2k also, xp is untested, anyway im not likely to ever "release" this officially since i've not got the time and well its working for me. If anyone wants it then grab the attachments (rar) in this thread, it also works with other samplers, including akai and kurz (and probably any that support smdi). As a bonus the program also inclues a delay calculator that works with msecs and hertz (usefull for absynth)
Anyway if you can find use of it leech away, no guarantees it will work for you, usual disclaimer, if it breaks your shit its not my fault