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Latching arpeg / syncing to extern drum unit

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:23 pm
by sturoc
Tried to find it in the manual, no avail.
How can i sync my RX 5 drum unit to the E6400 in order for sequencer and arpeggiator to run in time.
The drum machine would be the master.

Also can the arpeg be latched so i don't have to hold down the keys all the time?

Re: Latching arpeg / syncing to extern drum unit

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:05 pm
by Rascal Revenge
Arp & Seq. share the clock settings, setting Seq. > Setup > Clock to External sets the Arp also to External, it's in the manual, Page 23 in my english EOS 4.0 Hardware manual. Only used this one time in my life, and then I recorded the Arp into Ultras Seq and turning it off afterwards but anyway, looking in the manual... damn, no latch mode I see, even an Emax 1 has that. :shock:

Re: Latching arpeg / syncing to extern drum unit

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:29 pm
by sturoc
Got it, thanks RR
No latch mode, Ugh.
Hard to imagine that Roland on their 1980s low cost JX-3P synth had a great sequencer arpeggiator with 'Hold' mode in which i could start the Sequence -Arp and then press any key to change the pitch of either in real time. This was way before the E series ever came out !
Problem with the Roland unit is it does not transmit the arp /seq data via midi or that would be the solution.

Slowly seeing more of the limitations of E6400s ( I have 2 )
But still a great sounding sampler .