New Emu user - just wanted to say hi

Hey everyone - I just wanted to say hi. After becoming seriously fed up with software samplers I've taken a step back to where I came from: hardware samplers. I've never owned an Emu sampler before, but I've owned a couple of Akais and the Ensoniq ASR is never going to leave my studio - it's has an absolutely fantastic sounds. I'm planning to snatch up an Emax II in the future since I dig those filters enormously - but maybe the E4XT Ultra has nice filters as well.
Obviously I am as lost as you can be. Equally obvious is that I'll ask you people one million stupid questions. I hope that will be alright - I'm just so damn happy I didn't went for that Ipad after all.
So here goes - a new member. Hi everyone :)
Obviously I am as lost as you can be. Equally obvious is that I'll ask you people one million stupid questions. I hope that will be alright - I'm just so damn happy I didn't went for that Ipad after all.
So here goes - a new member. Hi everyone :)