Need Help Installing SCM PCD-50 In Non Ultra Esynth

I have several questions, and I need some expert advice on this upgrade. I have a scm pcd-50 heading my way via ebay. I found this site and the post for the firmware update. Is this firmware update applied by hooking up to a computer via the scsi connection?
I have a stock esynth, not the ultra version. What sort of cables will I need to hook this up? Will I need a separate power cable from what was used for the floppy drive? Do I need to get a 50 pin scsi cable with more than one connection?
I am going to order the pcmcia to compact flash converter. What is the maximum sized card the os will recognize? When I last used my esynth around 2003, I think I had 4.1 installed. I found the updater for 4.61.
I have 64 mb installed, and I seem to recall 128mb being the maximum memory allowed. What is the cheapest source for ram that you guys have found?
Lastly, what is the most effective way to transfer my cd library to the compact flash cards? I was hoping I could import them on my computer and transfer them to the compact flash. I haven't used my esynth in years due to moving to computer based production but I decided to dust it off start using it again.
Any insight will be appreciated.
I have several questions, and I need some expert advice on this upgrade. I have a scm pcd-50 heading my way via ebay. I found this site and the post for the firmware update. Is this firmware update applied by hooking up to a computer via the scsi connection?
I have a stock esynth, not the ultra version. What sort of cables will I need to hook this up? Will I need a separate power cable from what was used for the floppy drive? Do I need to get a 50 pin scsi cable with more than one connection?
I am going to order the pcmcia to compact flash converter. What is the maximum sized card the os will recognize? When I last used my esynth around 2003, I think I had 4.1 installed. I found the updater for 4.61.
I have 64 mb installed, and I seem to recall 128mb being the maximum memory allowed. What is the cheapest source for ram that you guys have found?
Lastly, what is the most effective way to transfer my cd library to the compact flash cards? I was hoping I could import them on my computer and transfer them to the compact flash. I haven't used my esynth in years due to moving to computer based production but I decided to dust it off start using it again.
Any insight will be appreciated.