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New to E5000U - a few basic questions & mod advice please

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:23 am
by linelevel
Hi, awesome forum =)

Just bought an E5000Ultra and hooked it up yesterday. After some farting around I managed to control it using my novation midi keyboard which is great. I have a couple of questions relating to operation and also modification if anyone has a sec to help an Emu virgin out?

1 - So far I have just dragged a few wavs to a 3.5" floppy and loaded them onto the sampler, created a new preset and had a good fiddle with the various controls, still loads to learn. Today I decided to open her up and look inside since I've read a good few threads on here advising on swapping the floppy drive for a removable laptop drive. I have a seagate 40Gb drive installed by the looks of things so heres noob question number 1; How do I save my presets/banks to this drive? So far I have only been able to save to the floppy and thus overwrite the original sample with a .e4b file - does this sound right?

2 - I've seen a few threads on using a removable 2.5" IDE drive in a usb enclosure so I can go back and forth between sampler and pc - obviously this is what I need to be doing rather than waiting 5 minutes for a 1Mb sample to load from floppy. Noob question 2 - I have a 2.5" 80Gb SATA drive from an old laptop, is there an enclosure out there that would allow me to use a SATA drive but also have connections for IDE & usb?

3 - Lastly a simple midi question - I currently have a novation remote 25 midi keyboard going from it's midi out port to the midi in port of the EMU and I can control it no problem, however is there a way I can instead go from midi out on the novation to midi in on my m-audio interface, then midi out of the interface to midi in on the EMU? Would this allow me to control the EMU with both the keyboard and my host software?

PS - I am diligently reading the manual also but any extra help would be rad

Cheers =)

Re: New to E5000U - a few basic questions & mod advice please

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:12 am
by mosrob
Welcome linelevel!

To question 1:
When pressing the Button DISK/BROWSE you should see a list of drives connected to the EMU, like here:
Please read the manual for information about navigation options in the DISK/BROWSE menu.

When saving banks to a storage media EOS creates files with the ending ".E4B" which stands for "Emulator 4 Bank".

Where did you get the power cable for the HD you installed?
As you can read here in the forum, you need a power cable for the HD where the +5V and +12V lines are swapped else you fry your HD.

To question 2:
I recommend to take a look at the SCM PCD-50B SCSI Cardreader where you can use Compact Flash media as storage device via a PCMCIA-adapter. The PCMCIA-Adapter is required as the related slot is addressed as LUN0 of the SCSI device while all other slots, including the CF-slot have higher LUNs and the EMU cannot handle LUNs. Therefore only devices with LUN0 can be accessed.

In contrast to the "SCSI4Samplers" cardreader solution that is also mentioned here in the forum, the PCD-50B is hotplugable.
The latter means that you can pull the PCMCIA-adapter out and plug it in again while the device is powered on.
While the PCMCIA-adapter is removed from the PCD-50B you can put the Compact Flash card in a USB-Cardreader that is connected to you PC and exchange data.

To question 3:
Yes, but you have to have your pc and your host application running that the routing of the MIDI signal can be done.


Re: New to E5000U - a few basic questions & mod advice please

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:51 pm
by linelevel
Thanks a lot for the advice, I'm going to price up using an IDE laptop hard drive vs. your card reader option and go from there. In answer to your question - I bought the sampler with the 40Gb hard drive installed, no idea where the power cable came from. Strangely I didn't see it yesterday when I hit the browse button, now I can access it so I'll have a go at saving to it from now on.

Cheers again for the advice =)

Re: New to E5000U - a few basic questions & mod advice please

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:40 pm
by linelevel
Ok cool this thing is a beast!

If I crank the volume knob on the front all the way up i get a buzzy distortion which sounds pretty tasty, according to the GUI of my m-audio interface I'm not clipping on the way in so is this just digital distortion at the EMU end? This isn't hurting my monitors right =/


Re: New to E5000U - a few basic questions & mod advice please

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:13 pm
by mosrob
Check MASTER -> SETUP -> In/Out
Headroom should be set to something else than 0dB, e.g. 3dB.
Output Boost should be set to +0dB