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Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:06 am
by stoutjunk2
I have been working with Chicken Systems at ironing out some minor bugs with the translation to EMU EOS 4 banks, and with the latest build 6.8 all is working perfect.
I can now translate a folder of wavs to an .e4b bank file on the compact flash card and then load this into the emu directly and have all the samples ready to go once I load the bank using EOS 4.7.
The translation with Translator is essential because without it you can move a folder of wav's to the compact flash, but once in the Emu you have to load samples one at a time which is slow and takes too much time. Having everything in a bank file is much faster. Chicken Systems helped with some bugs I was experiencing when trying to edit samples in the emu where I kept getting warning messages like "mono end zero", this is all resolved now. It's all systems go.

Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:56 am
by mosrob
Thanks for the info.
Isn't the "mono end zero" error message related to construction of the sample-name of the imported sample?
When samples are loaded into Emulator X(3) and are exported as an e4b-bank, the error message later occurs in EOS when using the Sample Edit and Sample Manage menues.
I found that this message occurs when the sample name of a ".wav"-file is shorter than 16 characters, respectively 20 characters including ".wav".
My work-around for this was to move all samples to be imported to a specific folder and create a batch-file for renaming the samples.
By the way:
EOS interprets loop-points of .wav-file different.
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:49 am
mosrob wrote:EOS interprets loop-points of .wav-file different.
Does this mean that when a translator sample with smooth loop points is imported into the Emu these points move and therefor the loop will be clicky?
Is this also the case when importing loops to EOS made with soundforge and other audio editors?

Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:51 pm
by mosrob
I downloaded the Adventure Kid Waveforms.
All samples contain a single-cycle loop of 600 samples. The sampling rate is set to 44100Hz for each sample, resulting in a tuning around D#2.
To get a clean A-tuning, I used Soundforge to set the sampling rate without resampling to e.g. 4125Hz (A-2 tuning), 8250Hz (A-1 tuning), 16500Hz (A0 tuning) and 33000Hz (A1 tuning).
As a result from some previous tests I added 4 samples of silence at the beginning of each sample via the same batch-process for setting the sampling rate.
I modified the names of all samples via a script (BAT-file in DOS-mode) to avoid the "mono end zero" message, loaded the samples into Emulator X3 and exported the bank to e4b-format.
After loading this e4b-banks in to EOS, I recognized that the starting-point of each loop is set to sample no. 3 instead of sample no. 4, not causing a click but the noise of an imperfect loop.
After modifying the loop-start from 3 to 4 for each sample by hand, the loop now sound smooth.
On some samples the loop-length was also modified by EOS from 600 samples to 599 samples.
Importing the samples directly with EOS instead using Emulator X3 lead to far different settings that were somehow more odd than the result with Emulator X3.
Maybe this is a special side-effect for short samples where the end of the sample is identical with the loop end.
I also reworked the square-waveform so that I can now use it for PWM. I have the cord-settings to make a perfect PWM.
When working on the square-waveform, I found that EOS (4.70) seems to have a bug in regards to interpretation of the markers when using cut, copy, paste, truncate and so on. You have to use a start-value that is lowered by 3 in relation to the position of the cursor you see on the display (full zoom in) of the E4.
Furthermore the minimum region-size for editing is 10 samples.
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:05 pm
by stoutjunk2
Chicken Systems said it was in relation to stereo samples and loop points. In fact there were 4 different issues they fixed to get the errors to go away. On mono samples I was getting "left end zero" and "right end zero" as well. Truncating the sample fixed this, but the error comes up if any sample in the bank has a problem, so you would have to truncate each sample manually to get rid of the message.
Thanks goes out to Chicken Systems for resolving this quickly.
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:26 pm
by mosrob
Or maybe I got the "mono end zero" error-message and fixed it via the "Integrity"-function.
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:01 pm
by mrdazobee
Hi stout, could you explain how you converted the wav files into a bank in translator 4.8? I tried but got seperate files not a bank? Thanks....
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:04 am
by stoutjunk2
You highlight the root folder on the left file browser, then on the right side you highlight the subfolder you want to be the bank. Then click the translate button and it takes all the wavs and makes a .e4b file the name of the highlighted folder.
In your options for EMU translation you want to make sure that it is set for .e4b.
Also make sure you have version 6.8
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:19 am
by mosrob
In another thread a member is asking for burning a CD in EOS-FAT format.
Does Translator have the capability to write to a CD-image file in EOS-FAT format that can be burned to a CD-R?
Maybe the files I posted some time ago can be used as an image file of CD-ROM size:
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:46 pm
by stoutjunk2
I know it can do Akai CD. Years ago I remember making the cd image with translator and then burning the image to the cd. Then reading the cd from the EMU.
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:51 am
by TSR
Very interesting thread here, since I was dealing with single cycle waveforms the last few months!
1) I was playing around with Galbanum's and Adventure Kid's waveforms and started on the Akai MPC4000. Now, I would like to port some of these sounds into the EMU running EOS 4.7. Is there any reason why you can NOT set the playback start point to 0 but rather to 4 at minimum? Are the first three samples totally ignored? Initially I thought these three samples on the start are used to generate a "general attack-phase" to all samples.
2) Rather than importing WAV files piece by piece into the E-MU I also would like to make use of the Akai import function. However, when copying Akai programs to a compact flash card and putting it into the EMU, none of these files show up. Importing WAVs this way is running fine, however. Someone of the EMU staff back then reported that it is possible to import Akai sounds also from harddrives. Any thoughts?
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:30 pm
by mosrob
Regarding point 1:
Is there any reason why you can NOT set the playback start point to 0 but rather to 4 at minimum?
Please read my posting carefully.
I said that the Loop-Start cannot be set manually to a value lower than "4".
Only the guys who programmed EOS know the reason.
Regarding point 2:
The media where files in AKAI-format are copied to have to be formatted by the AKAI sampler (S1000, S1100, S2000, S2800i, S3000i, S3200i, S3000XL, S3200XL).
This means that the media is also partitioned into 80MB partitions.
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:06 pm
by mrdazobee
When I import kontakt patches to eos format with translator, the loop points are all wrong causing clicks in the samples. Does anyone know of a way round this?
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:46 am
by mosrob
What about modifying one be one manually...???
Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:25 am
by atomicmidi
Are the Akai files 24bit ? in that case EMU won't see them. They have to be 16bit.
Ignore this if it's not the case. :D