Re: Chicken Systems Translator & EOS 4 Banks

Just to clarify and elaborate on what mosrob said with regards to exporting E4B banks from X3.
"mono end zero" error message is resolved by pressing Tools2 (F3) > Integrty (F6) an OK in the Sample edit Window.
According to the manual "Imported samples may occasionally have slight looping problems (heard as ticks) due to data corruption of the sample header file. This function remedies the problem by reconstructing the sample header"
The "Zero in Name" error is the one which is related to Sample naming & can be remedied by making sure you use all of the available 16 characters when naming samples to begin with. This does include spaces so you can just put spaces between letters if needs be. As mosrob has already indicated a batch naming process is best for multisamples. Bulk naming utility for PC is Good and free.
Have overlooked this forum for too long some great info here
. Cheers for the info mosrob I have never even considered giving X3 a look in until I read your post. I have now been able to go back to the drawing board with the way in which i take raw waveforms and will make a video and post it when time permits.
Just to clarify and elaborate on what mosrob said with regards to exporting E4B banks from X3.
"mono end zero" error message is resolved by pressing Tools2 (F3) > Integrty (F6) an OK in the Sample edit Window.
According to the manual "Imported samples may occasionally have slight looping problems (heard as ticks) due to data corruption of the sample header file. This function remedies the problem by reconstructing the sample header"
The "Zero in Name" error is the one which is related to Sample naming & can be remedied by making sure you use all of the available 16 characters when naming samples to begin with. This does include spaces so you can just put spaces between letters if needs be. As mosrob has already indicated a batch naming process is best for multisamples. Bulk naming utility for PC is Good and free.
Have overlooked this forum for too long some great info here