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Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:44 am
by monsterjazzlicks
Hi folks,
Have been working on midi-ing up the Emu to my Nord Stage.
Because i use the Mod Wheel on the Nord to control many different parameters onboard (the Nord itself), i turned the Emu receiver to OFF. For me, its better to have the Mod Wheel just assigned to the Nord only.
i kept the Pitch Bend ON on both units (cause obviously there will be harmonic clashes if its on one and not the other).
However, my question is i would like to be able to control the VOLUME of the Emu via my Nord. The Nord has a dedicated External Controller Panel which i have activated but turning the External Panel volume dial does not seem to alter the Emu volume. The Midi LED flicks on the Emu but thats all. Is there anything specific i need to be setting on the EMU ?? i look thru the MIDI and CONTROLLER pages on the EMU (and tried changing various values) but i was not able to get the two devices responding with respect to Volume Change. i thought it might have been under MIDI VOLUME in the manual but it does not appear to be listed.
Hope someone can help please because this is something i would definately like to use a lot whilst gigging. The Nord has a BRILLIANT keyboard action and so beats the feel of any cheap Controller Keyboard i have had in the past !!
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:11 pm
by mosrob
CC#7 is MIDI Volume on a specific MIDI Chanel.
It affects all sounds/devices that respond to MIDI data on the MIDI Chanel where CC#7 is sent.
Alternatively you can use any other CC# that EOS can receive (see assignment of CC# to MIDI A-H in the MASTER section) and setup a cord that uses the respective MIDI Controller to modify the Amplifier Volume of the preset:
MIDI H -> AmpVol amt 100%
But you have to select all voices in a preset so that the change of the MIDI Controller affects the volume of the whole preset.
And when the preset is layered you have to do the same to all layered presets.
The easiest way is to use CC#7.
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:39 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
Thanks Mosrob,
i appreciate your help and will check it out.
i think the issue is from the NORD end.
i would like this to be a GLOBAL type setting/solution because i want it to apply to all Emu Presets at all times.
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:10 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
i managed to get the MIDI VOLUME transmission working (via my Nord Stage Classic to the Emu Ultra) but only in MULTI-MODE. It works great and i can see the values changing on the display. However, i can't get it to work anywhere else (like for general Presets and similar) But at least i know it does actually work !!
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:59 pm
by mosrob
I don't really get what is the issue right now?
I took a look on your website and saw that you have some 19"-expanders.
Therefore you have knowledge about the MIDI-Modes: Multi-Mode, Poly-Mode and Omni-Mode
In EOS you can set the MIDI-Mode in MASTER->MIDI->MODE.
There you can set the Basic Channel of the sampler also.
As you already know does the sampler react to any incoming MIDI-Command when Omni-Mode is set.
In Poly-Mode the sampler only reacts to incomming MIDI-Commands on the Basic Channel.
In Multi-Mode reacts to incomming MIDI-Commands on each channel where a Preset is selected.
You also know that beside the MIDI-Modes EOS has different "Performance Modes":
Whole, Layer, Split and Multi
While "Whole, Layer and Split" can be used with the MIDI-Modes "Poly-Mode" and "Omni-Mode", "Multi" is used with the MIDI-Mode "Multi-Mode". The latter means that with selecting "Multi" EOS automaticly switches into Multi-Mode and you can assign individual Presets to the MIDI-Channels.
As you have an E4XT Ultra, don't forget that Presets on MIDI Channels 17-32 are only played when the MIDI-signals are received via MIDI In B (the second MIDI In, provided through the installed D-WAM option).
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:10 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
Hi mosrob,
Thanks for your helpful reply and for taking the time to visit my website. i have changed my equipment recently in that i do not have the Roland Fantom or XV50/50. Or the Roland A30 and CME Controller keyboards. i have moved into a small flat now and so i do not have as much spare space !!
i have a Roland JV1080 sound module which i midi to my Nord Stage Piano for Orchestral sounds. Because the Nord does not have any Orchestral sounds. i used these two instruments together on my last job which was a duo in a hotel in Spain. The JV1080 responded perfectly to Volume Change, Pitch Bend, Mod, and Program Change from the Nord !!
My other set-up is to have the EMU midi to the Nord Stage Piano. i am planning to do some solo performances using the Nord and EMU playing with backing tracks i have made on Cubase.
The Nord is definatley set correctly (as far as i can see) and i spent a very long time programing my Presets to layer/split with the Roland JV1080. And it responds correctly to Program Change, Pitch and Mod wheels etc. So i KNOW the Nord is TRANSMITTING this data.
With the EMU midi to the Nord, i do not want the Mod Wheel or Program Change so i set its Receive to OFF. But i want the EMU to Receive Pitch Bend which i set to ON. But as i say, the Nord is definately Transmitting the Volume Change and even the Midi LED on the EMU lights when i turn the (External Device) Volume Dial on the Nord. So the EMU is Receiving SOMETHING (!!!) but its just not changing its Volume ???
i had already experimented with Poly/Omni/Multi Modes in the past thanks. Its always set to OMNI and the Basic Channel is on 1 (obviously the same as the Nord). In Whole Mode the Volume Change does not work, but in Multi Mode it does. But i would never perform with my EMU in Multi Mode, only in Whole, Layer or Split.
i posted a thread on the Nord site Forum but nobody has replied yet.
i Hope this extra information helps.
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:20 pm
monsterjazzlicks wrote:But i would never perform with my EMU in Multi Mode, only in Whole, Layer or Split.
Never say never
Why not just play the Emu from the Nord in multi mode, but just use midi channel 1?
You can build presets that are layered and split with pan and volume settings
The relative volumes of the Nord and the Emu could be created by tweaking the levels of the groups inside the preset
When you are happy with the mix between the two just save the preset
Presets could then be loaded up in an order that corresponds to the presets in the nord
The newly created bank of presets could then be saved as a bank
Now when you play live load this bank into the Emu in multi mode
All your program changes in the Nord will select the correct voices, layers, splits at the correct volume in the Emu to mix perfectly with the nord
Plus if you alter the volume on the Nord your Emu will also change its output and remain at the correct relative mix level to the Nord
Does this sound like a workable solution to you?
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:45 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
Thanks JF,
In which case i would scroll thru the presets (using the Dial or Inc/Dec) whilst on the MULTI SET UP page. And scolling thru having highlighted the MIDI CHANNEL 1 icon (so i totally disregard all other Channels as i am only Transmitting on Channel 1 from the Nord).
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:41 pm
by mosrob
I checked the reponse of EOS 4.70 to MIDI Volume (CC#7) and come to the same result:
In Multi-Mode CC#7 is processed by EOS.
In Single-Mode (Whole, Layer & Split) CC#7 is not processed.
I think that EOS should respond to CC#7 in any mode and I'm convinced that this is a bug in EOS.
The only work around is to use the Multi-Mode as Jahfunk described it.
As you plan to use some backing tracks, the question is if you are going to export the backing tracks to the EMU and use the internal sequencer of your sampler for playing the backing tracks or if you're going to use a notebook on stage?
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:22 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
Hi Rob,
Thank you for testing the process out in your own time. i was convinced i had tried EVERYTHING and so i had run out of ideas after spending a very long time trying to solve the problem.
So it looks like the only solution is to run the EMU in Multi Mode during my performances. Personally, i much prefer the display screen of the Whole Mode (which contains very large text of the Preset in use, and utilizes the Next and Previous functions), whereas the Multi Mode display screen is rather small and somewhat cluttered in comparison. So it could be a bit tricky to see on stage unless your EMU is placed in a suitable position and at eye-level. There again, you can''t have everything in life !!
In answer to your question about my backing tracks, i play the Nord and EMU live and have backing tracks being played on my laptop. The backing tracks were created in Cubase 6 and then i exported them as WAV files. So i just play the WAV. files in either Windows Media Player or Winamp on my laptop. i don't connect or use my laptop in conjunction with the Nord or EMU in any way at all. Here is a dvd of me in action (though i am not using the EMU on the occassion) in case you have not seen it :-,
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:46 pm
monsterjazzlicks wrote:Thanks JF,
In which case i would scroll thru the presets (using the Dial or Inc/Dec) whilst on the MULTI SET UP page. And scolling thru
Yes that would work
Or you could do it as I advised, and then you would be using program change commands from the Nord to alter the Presets in the Emu.
Providing you have assigned the presets correctly and built your bank properly the Nord and Emu layers will always be as you need them throughout your set.
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:20 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
i might have a go at programing some Program Change settings at some point. But because i am not too interested in Layering sounds between the Nord and Emu, i would program BLANK patches in the Nord and name it as an EMU Preset.
And vice versa, have Nord Presets where the EMU is silent.
i use the Nord for Pianos and Organs and the Nord for the synth sounds.
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:51 am
by monsterjazzlicks
Thanks guys,
It took me a quite a while to suss this out but it think i got it sorted now. If i am in Whole Mode the Midi Volume does not work, period. i really have tried EVERYTHING now !! But in Multi Mode the Midi Volume works fine and (depending on what screen i am on) i can see the Volume Amount moving on the display (which is very handy). So if i want to access Midi Volume i have to be in Multi Mode on the EMU.
One of my main uses for the Nord is its External Section and this has really helped me move closer to me being able to intergrate the EMU more alongside it. Its very luxurious to have an 88 note keyboard with an amazing action, top quality Mod Wheel, and Pitch Bender to use for triggering the EMU. i tried a couple of Controller keyboards (M-Audio being one of them) and the response on them was AWFUL !! i never realised (until now) how important it is to have a high quality mother keyboard because it really does make a massive difference how you (the user) interacts with the module at the end of your Midi Out lead !!
Anyway, i just got some AWESOME combinations out of both instruments using left-hand split-points on the Nord, and right-hand Layers between the Nord and Emu. So i might try programing a few Presets for myself of this variety.
Thanks everyone for your help with this matter
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:11 am
by monsterjazzlicks
MULTI MODE is definately the way forward for what i need. Got it working great now with the Nord !!

Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:08 pm
JAHFUNK wrote:monsterjazzlicks wrote:But i would never perform with my EMU in Multi Mode, only in Whole, Layer or Split.
Never say never
Why not just play the Emu from the Nord in multi mode, but just use midi channel 1?
You can build presets that are layered and split with pan and volume settings
The relative volumes of the Nord and the Emu could be created by tweaking the levels of the groups inside the preset
When you are happy with the mix between the two just save the preset
Presets could then be loaded up in an order that corresponds to the presets in the nord
The newly created bank of presets could then be saved as a bank
Now when you play live load this bank into the Emu in multi mode
All your program changes in the Nord will select the correct voices, layers, splits at the correct volume in the Emu to mix perfectly with the nord
Plus if you alter the volume on the Nord your Emu will also change its output and remain at the correct relative mix level to the Nord
Just a reminder of how to arrange your presets/banks