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Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:43 am
by monsterjazzlicks
Ta mate,
What i think am going to do is to keep the Midi-Volumes on the EMU right up at 127 value, but tweak the volumes (where needed) via the AMPLITUDE page (so using the +/-DB settings).
i think i got all the Midi stuff sorted to start getting me up and running now (like the Program Changes etc). i am really lovin' the External Controller Section on the Nord and the two instruments are sounding quite good together now. i also Midi up my Roland JV1080 sound-module and tried Layering some Orchestral sounds with the samples on the Emu, which was quite interesting.
But what i am thinking of doing is splitting the Nord and having the right-hand zone for sounds on the EMU (like Brass), and the left-hand zone for the JV1080 (Bass). The Bass sounds on the JV1080 are way better than the ones on the Nord (for what i want anyway), as it has Fretless, Jaco, Slap, Acoustic plus TONS of complex Synth Basses.
So really i would just be using the Nord as a CONTROLLER !!
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:05 am
by monsterjazzlicks
i have tried getting the dedicated CC Dial (on my Nord) to work with controlling one of the Cords on the EMU. The Midi light flashes but none of the values seem to change. i have tried setting the CC on the Nord to lots of different CC values but can't get it to trigger anything.
On the Nord there is the CC Value (which defaults at 64), and a CC Number (which defaults at 02).
What i think is the problem is that i don't have the SOURCE set correctly (and there are bloody tons to choose from and all !!!!). i flicked thru them all but in all honesty i really don't know what it needs to be set to. My guess would be MIDI-A because most of the other Sources are for Keys, Mod Wheel, Pitch Bend, Velocity, plus ones i have never even heard of before !!! They all worked, but NOT with the Nord CC Dial.
Would really appreciate some help here as i have stayed up again til 6am !!!
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:43 am
by mosrob
Hi Paul,
in MASTER->MIDI->Cntrls 1 & 2 you can set the MIDI Controllers EOS should recognize.
Not all CC# from 0 to 127 are available.
In EOS 4.70 the available Controllers for the respective Cord Sources are:
Pitch Control: Off, CC0 - CC31, PitchWheel (CC32), ChannelPressure (CC33)
Mod Control: Off, CC0 - CC31, PitchWheel (CC32), ChannelPressure (CC33)
Pressure Control: Off, CC0 - CC31, PitchWheel (CC32), ChannelPressure (CC33)
Pedal Control: Off, CC0 - CC31, PitchWheel (CC32), ChannelPressure (CC33)
Switches 1 - 3: Off, CC64 - CC97
MIDI A- H: Off, CC0 - CC31, PitchWheel (CC32), ChannelPressure (CC33)
MIDI I - L: Off, CC0 - CC95
The values of the Cords cannot be seen. When you e.g. use a LFO to modulate the volume (LFO1~ -> AmpVol, amount 100%) and use one of the above mentioned MIDI Controllers to change the Rate of LFO1 (MIDI A -> Lfo1Rt, amount 100%) then you will hear the effect.
Merry XMAS,
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:19 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
Thanks very much indeed Rob. That is very helpful of you.
What i specifically would like to do is have the Mod Wheel FX (ie 'Modulation') for the Emu assigned to the CC Dial on the Nord (instead of on the Mod Wheel on the Nord). So that the Mod Wheel on the Nord controls the Modulation of Presets on the Nord, and the CC Dial on the Nord controls the Modulation of Presets on the Emu. So a bit like each device has its own Modulation Wheel. i prefer to keep the Mod Wheel free for the Nord exclusively because i have assigned lots of sound-morphing type FX (like Crossfading etc).
Anyway, i managed to get what i wanted by setting (in PRESET EDIT / CORDS) the SOURCE to MIDI A, and the DESTINATION to CC02 AMOUNT. And then setting the max-Intensity to whatever % suited me. As i say it seems to be perfect but i just wanted to check please that i have done this correctly ??
What i am also not sure about is that when i go into MASTER / MIDI / CONTROLER 2, there is a menu of MIDI A / MIDI B / MIDI C etc........... Now, It seems that the DEFAULT value for MIDI A is 021. So i have to set my Nord CC value also to 021 because if it is set to anything else it does not transmit. Is this a bit like a MIDI CHANNEL where both have to be set to the same value in order to Transmit/Receive ??? And secondly, is it best to leave MIDI A set on CC 021 or would you change it (and the Nord obviously) to CC01 ?? Or does it not matter what the CC value is as long as both devices are set the SAME ?? i noticed that MIDI B is default at 022, MIDI C at 023, and so on, therefore i am wondering if these are MIDI STANDARD settings ??
Have a good Xmas dude..........
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:22 am
by VDS
Often it is an advantage to "RTFM"......
R-> Read
T-> The
F-> Fucking
M-> Manual
And the best place to read it, is the toilet! No joke!
Please read Page 118 and 119!!!!!
MIDI A cc21.......cc21 is no value!
And YOU can change the CC number!!! you have the possiblity to assign another CC on your NORD, do it!
For example CC21 on your Nord. Than you could control MIDI A on the E-mu!
Merry Christmas1
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:28 am
by monsterjazzlicks
VDS wrote:Often it is an advantage to "RTFM"......
R-> Read
T-> The
F-> Fucking
M-> Manual
i did RTFM !! And if i had have understood the information in it then obviously i would not have written this thread !! But i did not understand it so thats why i am asking !! i thought thats what forums were for ??
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:21 am
monsterjazzlicks wrote:What i specifically would like to do is have the Mod Wheel FX (ie 'Modulation') for the Emu assigned to the CC Dial on the Nord (instead of on the Mod Wheel on the Nord). So that the Mod Wheel on the Nord controls the Modulation of Presets on the Nord, and the CC Dial on the Nord controls the Modulation of Presets on the Emu. So a bit like each device has its own Modulation Wheel. i prefer to keep the Mod Wheel free for the Nord.
Most of the presets on the emu are pre assigned in the cords section of preset edit so that the mod wheel controls LFO 1 amount eg..
Cord number........Source.............destination.............amount
03................... ModWl..............C02 amt.................+13
02 Means that the LFO is set to modulate the pitch at 00 amount
03 Means that the mod wheel is set to increase 02 cord by upto 13% depending on where the controller is turned to eg 0=0 127=13
So if you go to cord number 03 and change the source from ModWl to MidiA then the controller assigned to C/C A will now alter the LFO depth.
I would recommend you keep the original and not overwrite it as it takes time to remake a ModWl to LFO preset if you change your workflow later
So save this new preset to your harddrive in a new folder, you will then still have the folder with the original preset plus a new folder with the modified preset.
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:09 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
JAHFUNK wrote:Cord number........Source.............destination.............amount
03................... ModWl..............C02 amt.................+13
So if you go to cord number 03 and change the source from ModWl to MidiA then the controller assigned to C/C A will now alter the LFO depth.
Thats really great to know, thanks a lot.
Re: Midi Volume Question (Ultra 4XT)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:18 pm
by monsterjazzlicks
Thanks guys,
i have been spending a lot of time trying to get the grips with all the different Mods/Cords etc. i had no idea that there were anywhere near so many different combinations !! i can see how an integral part of the programing process these are now.
F@@@ knows how long it will take me to understand it all cause even the very few examples in the manual take (for me) a great deal of mental digestion !!