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pcd-50b scsi card reader

Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:40 am
by ogenic
Hi, a fellow D.O.A member has been having trouble resetting his password and can not access this site. So I thought I would link his question: 
Re: pcd-50b scsi card reader

Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:17 pm
by mosrob
He did not tell if the PCD-50 is inside the EMU or in an external case.
If the PCD-50 is inside the EMU I hope that he used the already installed power cable to connect the drive to the mainboard connector.
Else the drive could have been fried already.
In general the termination has to be set to ON in EOS as well as on the PCD-50B.
As long as both devices have different SCSI-IDs it does not matter which IDs are used.
If the PCD-50 is inside the EMU and is still not seen, he should add an external terminator to the external SCSI-port.
Re: pcd-50b scsi card reader

Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:17 pm
by ogenic
"Yeah it's internal, I put a power splitter on the power cable which goes to the harddrive. Termination is on internally and on the card reader. There is no external terminator on the external scsi port, is this really required?
Hopefully one of the emusonacid admins can get in touch, I'd like to post this on that board "
Re: pcd-50b scsi card reader

Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:18 am
by mosrob
Sounds like an internal IDE harddrive is installed too and the IDE HD is sharing the same power connector with the PCD-50B.
I recommend checking the drive on a SCSI bus of a PC or MAC to see if it is still working.
I think an external terminator has to be used on the samplers SCSI bus.
As far as I remember has my PCD-50B not been recognized by EOS when Termination was disabled at the PCD-50B.
Other users saw eight PCD-50B because of an issue with the SCSI bus termination.
Re: pcd-50b scsi card reader

Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:20 am
by ja-ki
Just bought a pcd 60b reader.
Do you think this in conjunction with a modern 2.5" hdd would drain the 5v line of the power supply too much?
Re: pcd-50b scsi card reader

Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:33 am
by razo
Mine works fine with the internal HDD!