Re: Midi A / Midi B (Question)

sturoc wrote:It is communicating with the Emu's but just not in those areas of CC map of filter, adsr etc.
It has to be something I am not setting at the get go of mapping it all out.
If this device has assignable controllers and the controllers are set correctly to match the emu c/controller numbers then I would say that the problem is with the way that the chords are being built.
I know this might be a dumb question but, you do realise that if you want to get controller data to effect the E-MUs sound YOU need to assign each controller to the required field of the cords inside the preset edit screen
If you want to perform a simple test to show that the controller is set up correctly try this chord
Midi A-----------------------Pitch-------------------------100
Now if you have the controllers numbers set correctly the pitch should slide about as you alter the controller level on your keyboard.
If you now alter the source value to Midi B through to L you can check that each controller knob/slider has been set up correctly, and if any knob fails to change the pitch then it needs to be assigned to the correct number on your master controller.