flash simm authoring

I must apologise in advance if some of these points seem like dumbass newbie stuff... I've been using esi32's since they came out, maxed, turbo'd and w/ internal HD's and syquests (r.i.p. these latter). I also have an esi4000 w/ syquest and external zip. I am happy with soldering (broadcast engineer for nearly 20 years).
I just bought one of the many e4x's appearing on e-bay at the moment- I aren't in tears exactly over this because it cost ?300 total and is a pretty good sampler anyway...
recently, because of gigs and baggage allowances and general hardware fragility issues, I have preferred using the proteus-type modules. I have an audity 2k (w/ the extra rom which I pried out of emu after many 'phone calls late 2002), a planet earth, a pk6 and a p2k.
and so naturally my thoughts turned to flash simm authoring, for the last two especially.
I could get all my mellotron tapesets onto one 32Mb simm, I thought.....
(done same sort of thing w/ alesis quadrasynths but 8Mb? do me a favour... & no resonant filters either)
that emulator archive site needs a bit of clarification work- tweakz' site wasn't much better... I guess there isn't that much interest in burning custom roms.... will the software emu do it? I would guess not. and so what will become of the proteus range? will rob papen be the only guy able to put his favourite sounds into the solid state domain?
so after lengthy interweb study, both with and without the aid of burning herbs, I somehow got the idea that an e4x with the latest o/s on it would be able to make roms for me.
bollocks can it; I need an ultra to do this. the e4x is really just a big box with an esi4k in it & a slightly better interface. so what I bought ain't what I otter have bought for this task. now I am scanning for a 2nd hand ultra box- doesn't matter what else it can do or how big it is so long as it can burn these bloody flash simms for my p2k and pk6. it'll probably cost less than the two simms I need to buy from emu before they discontinue those aswell.
which one of these do I want? ah yes.....
I just bought one of the many e4x's appearing on e-bay at the moment- I aren't in tears exactly over this because it cost ?300 total and is a pretty good sampler anyway...
recently, because of gigs and baggage allowances and general hardware fragility issues, I have preferred using the proteus-type modules. I have an audity 2k (w/ the extra rom which I pried out of emu after many 'phone calls late 2002), a planet earth, a pk6 and a p2k.
and so naturally my thoughts turned to flash simm authoring, for the last two especially.
I could get all my mellotron tapesets onto one 32Mb simm, I thought.....
(done same sort of thing w/ alesis quadrasynths but 8Mb? do me a favour... & no resonant filters either)
that emulator archive site needs a bit of clarification work- tweakz' site wasn't much better... I guess there isn't that much interest in burning custom roms.... will the software emu do it? I would guess not. and so what will become of the proteus range? will rob papen be the only guy able to put his favourite sounds into the solid state domain?
so after lengthy interweb study, both with and without the aid of burning herbs, I somehow got the idea that an e4x with the latest o/s on it would be able to make roms for me.
bollocks can it; I need an ultra to do this. the e4x is really just a big box with an esi4k in it & a slightly better interface. so what I bought ain't what I otter have bought for this task. now I am scanning for a 2nd hand ultra box- doesn't matter what else it can do or how big it is so long as it can burn these bloody flash simms for my p2k and pk6. it'll probably cost less than the two simms I need to buy from emu before they discontinue those aswell.
which one of these do I want? ah yes.....
