Hard drive question?

what do you guys think about this. I am concerned about backing up my samples. I want them off my zip disk asap. I do have a hard drive that i use to have in my old computer. as some of you know, i rebuilt my computer a few months. It is a 9 gig hd, and that is enough memory for what i need. the problem is, I don't have the mounting kit and i have heard that the emu's power supply plug is backwards. So here is something that i thought of today at work. tell if you think this is going to be safe...
my idea is, to open the emu up, hook up the hd to the board with an ide cable, then use a spare power supply to run the hd. i would turn on the power supply before turning on the emu, then turn on the emu. Do you guys think this would be alright or could i cause some major problems doing this. this would be a temp thing, just so i can back my stuff up. wednesday i am going to order from that site that was mentioned here about the scsi controllers so i can convert that hd to an external.
tell me what you guys think.
my idea is, to open the emu up, hook up the hd to the board with an ide cable, then use a spare power supply to run the hd. i would turn on the power supply before turning on the emu, then turn on the emu. Do you guys think this would be alright or could i cause some major problems doing this. this would be a temp thing, just so i can back my stuff up. wednesday i am going to order from that site that was mentioned here about the scsi controllers so i can convert that hd to an external.
tell me what you guys think.