Hey yo Ratty and other G5 & AL Powerbook users lookie er

Here looks like the SCSI device for G5's to solve the 'No PCI Slots and no PCI - X SCSI Cards' issue and Aluminium Powerbooks 'PITA with Cardbus SCSI'.
Ratoc Systems now have the 'USB2.0 to Ultra SCSI Converter U2SCX' $69 USD
http://www.ratocsystems.com/english/pro ... u2scx.html
This looks VERY viable as it is the ONLY one of its kind that supports the full 7 SCSI devices on the SCSI chain. Other similar devices only support one device and have proven to be problematic in most situations.
Hopefully this thing is propa. Ill werd em up real soon, i have some questions, if tins is sound as a pound ill buy one and let everyone know how the device behaves. If anyone has any specific test conditions they'd like me to perform werd up an ill do my very best to come cross.
Laiterz u ghetto pimps
Ratoc Systems now have the 'USB2.0 to Ultra SCSI Converter U2SCX' $69 USD
http://www.ratocsystems.com/english/pro ... u2scx.html
This looks VERY viable as it is the ONLY one of its kind that supports the full 7 SCSI devices on the SCSI chain. Other similar devices only support one device and have proven to be problematic in most situations.
Hopefully this thing is propa. Ill werd em up real soon, i have some questions, if tins is sound as a pound ill buy one and let everyone know how the device behaves. If anyone has any specific test conditions they'd like me to perform werd up an ill do my very best to come cross.
Laiterz u ghetto pimps