MAC software sequencers -- what do ya recommend?

i'm about to drop some loot on a new G5 and I'd appreciate any feedback you guys have about your current software setups and what u prefer, etc...
from what i've heard, logic 6 has spot-on midi timing if you use their proprietary unitor8/amt midi devices. and i've also heard that cubase when used in conjunction with steinberg's midi device is OK.
i used my mates digi002 with protools for a couple months and i noticed it had issues occaisionally with keeping the timing tight with multiple devices and that was *NOT* cool. when composing music the last thing ANYONE wants to worry about is timing being slightly off or other stupid problems.
also i've noticed that most PC users tend to have a bias towards cubase and mac users the same with logic. and taking into consideration things like logic's mixermaps and other things, it seems to be like the route to take, i'm just concerned how tight the midi is with external devices (since most users of logic i know rely heavily on it's virtual instruments)
anyhow, i'm just trying to get the most outta my little e6400 ultra and i only want to give this baby the best, so any feedback is much appreciated!

from what i've heard, logic 6 has spot-on midi timing if you use their proprietary unitor8/amt midi devices. and i've also heard that cubase when used in conjunction with steinberg's midi device is OK.
i used my mates digi002 with protools for a couple months and i noticed it had issues occaisionally with keeping the timing tight with multiple devices and that was *NOT* cool. when composing music the last thing ANYONE wants to worry about is timing being slightly off or other stupid problems.
also i've noticed that most PC users tend to have a bias towards cubase and mac users the same with logic. and taking into consideration things like logic's mixermaps and other things, it seems to be like the route to take, i'm just concerned how tight the midi is with external devices (since most users of logic i know rely heavily on it's virtual instruments)
anyhow, i'm just trying to get the most outta my little e6400 ultra and i only want to give this baby the best, so any feedback is much appreciated!