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List of Continous Controllers?

Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:02 pm
by aefx
I'm looking for a list that shows cc #s and what they control for emu samplers. I tried searching through this site but since I can't put cc as a search value I couldn't find what I wanted. I apologise if this has been posted before.

Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:21 pm
by om
you can route any midi controller to any modulation destination in EMU samplers

Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:25 pm
by aefx
om wrote:you can route any midi controller to any modulation destination in EMU samplers
Yeah, however I know there are common cc # desitionations and thought there may be a list somewhere. But you're right, I'm just being lazy

Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:24 am
by sampleandhold
well you have you common ones such as mod wheel, pitch wheel, pedal, pan, velocity and so on... i really don't know what each number correspondes to which cc, but i don't *think you can change the those ones i listed. you can however reroute them, but they always seem to have control over a certian cc. I *think mod wheel is midi cc #1...
thats about it for me.

Sun Jul 04, 2004 2:23 am
by aefx
Well here are the ones listed in the manual:
0 Midi Bank Chng MSB
1 Modulation Wheel
2 Breath Controller
3 Old DX7 Aftertouch
4 Foot Pedal
5 Portomento Time
6 Data Entry
7 Volume
8 Balance
9 Undefined
10 Pan
11 Expression
32 Midi Bank Chng LSD
64 Sustain(on/off)
65 Portamento(on/off)
66 Sostenuto(on/off)
67 Soft Pedal(on/off)
69 Hold Pedal (on/off)
It would just make things quicker to know exactly what cc# controls which property without having to go to master>midi>controls 2 to assign a cc # to a value.

Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:03 am
by sampleandhold
oh, do you mean like a complete list of all 127 midi cc's?
there are 127 right?
you got me on this one...