broke down and bought a G5...but can a brutha hook up SCSI?

my brief flirtations with the dark side (aka land of PC's) ended abruptly after i woke up in a cold sweat stricken with anxiety and trepidation the likes of which i had never experienced before. i had just had a vision in which god told me personally "Listen... Don't fuck with those PC's. Man." so I broke down and immediately went online and purchased the cheapest G5. & i was totally surprised to find out that you can actually get refurb single 1.6's for $1299 which is a steal IMHO.
so now that i am back in the good ol' territory of macs, i am curious as hell about the pci/scsi card issue.
i have yet to have seen responses but i'm still going to be attempting to hook up my bird via scsi. if anyone can vouch for certain scsi cards that work w/ g5's then please holla at a brother. otherwise it looks like i'll be the guinea pig that finds out what'll work and what doesn't.
so now that i am back in the good ol' territory of macs, i am curious as hell about the pci/scsi card issue.
i have yet to have seen responses but i'm still going to be attempting to hook up my bird via scsi. if anyone can vouch for certain scsi cards that work w/ g5's then please holla at a brother. otherwise it looks like i'll be the guinea pig that finds out what'll work and what doesn't.